How to make a coffee scrub

How to make a coffee scrub

Every woman seeks to be well-groomed and beautiful. But not any can afford to visit the expensive beauty salon. If you treat this category, then do not despair. Beauty salon is quite possible to arrange in its own bathroom, especially since all sorts of homemade masks, scrubs and creams are made from quite affordable ingredients. Today we will tell you how to prepare a coffee scrub.

For scrub, use ordinary ground coffee or thick, which remains in a cup after drinking a fragrant drink. Naturally, it may not be enough for it from one cup, then collect it for several days and every portion is definitely dried. You can do this in the microwave, oven or even on the battery. In addition to the coffee powder, depending on the recipe, you need honey, sugar, cosmetic clay, olive oil and some other components.

The simplest coffee scrub is made of coffee and shower gel. In the palm pour gel, add to it 1 tsp. Coffee and scroll through the mass between the hands. Circular movements apply the tool to the whole body, and then rinse it with water. Before applying the scrub, spark the body under the hot shower - the exfoliation of old epidermis will be far more efficient.

For dry skin, except coffee, use the fatty component. It is better for these purposes to take almond oil, but olive is suitable. And cook the scrub like this:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. Honey melt on a water bath to a liquid state.
  2. In honey, pour 2 h. L. Mix coffee and mix well.
  3. Before applying the scrub on the body, pour 20 ml of oil into it and mix to homogeneous consistency.

Apply scrub with light massaging movements and wash off its cool water. Dry the body with a towel and additionally moisten it with a cream. This scrub can be used for face. On the face scrub, make very lightly gentle movements and only through massage lines.

Scrub for oily skin. Mix 2 tbsp. l. Ground coffee with water to the state of a wet crumbly mass. Add 1 tbsp. l. Salts and 1/4 cup of kefir. Stir the mass and make peeling every day.

Cellulite scrub. For its preparation you will need:

  • coffee - 1 tsp.
  • sea salt - 1 tsp.
  • olive oil - 1 tsp.
  • ginger oil - 3-4 drops.

Mix all the ingredients in the bowl, and then apply a scrub on problem areas. Massive them at least 5 minutes - do the procedure daily.

Another coffee scrub, which is very effectively fighting cellulite. For his cooking, buy mummy tablets in a pharmacy:

  1. Mix the sour cream, coffee and any moisturizer - all take 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Mums in the Mumina Powder - Take it 2
  3. In the cooked coffee mixture, make a powder mummy.
  4. Stir the mass with a wooden spatula and apply the scrub on the body.
  5. Preheat your hands in hot water and squeeze the scrub well.

Coffee scrub based on blue clay. Mix 1 tbsp. l. Coffee and clay, and then split them with mineral water to the state of liquid sour cream. Apply a mask to places that require suspenders (belly, hips, waist) and over the body wrap the food film. Keep the scrub mask on the body of 1 hour, and then wash the oak bark decoction. From such a procedure, the body will become fresh and tightened.

As you can see, make a coffee scrub very simple. The main thing is to stock up with ground or fresh coffee, and then mix it with any suitable ingredients. The coffee scrub itself is very fragrant and pleasant. But if you like spicy smells, you can add to it a pinch of cinnamon powder. Your skin will become not only smooth and shining, but it will be pleasant to smell.

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