Moisturizing body lotion, how to use

Moisturizing body lotion, how to use

In ancient times, only rich persons could afford to renew the youth, since the oils and tinctures used for this cost a lot of money. The legends about the famous dairy baths of Cleopatra and the oil compresses of Josephine have reached our times. Today, caring for a body is much easier and cheaper. The main thing is to do it right in order to get the maximum effect of the product used and not harm. Here are some tips on how to use one of the most popular and necessary body care products - moisturizing lotion.

Choose a suitable product

The modern market for cosmetic products offers a huge selection of means of different price range. The main thing is not to succumb to visual perception and not make a choice, focusing exclusively on the inviting advertising and the attractive appearance of jars and tubes. When buying, you should carefully study the composition of the selected drug so that there is no allergic reaction to any component.
Ingredients need to choose those that are suitable for your skin type and correspond to your needs. Typically, manufacturers on packages indicate the purpose: for dry, normal or combined skin.
Please note that modern lotions, in addition to moisturizing, can also give the effect of tanning or flickering on the skin.
For each time of the year, you need to select your tool. In the summer, give preference to a lotion with a lighter consistency, and in cold weather choose a denser texture.


The advantages of the lotion over other means

Body lotion is a cosmetic drug, the main task of which is to moisturize the skin. Its advantages over oils and creams are as follows:

  • a lighter texture similar to milk does not create a fat film on the body;
  • unlike a dense cream, it is suitable for all skin types, regardless of the degree of dryness;
  • it is well and quickly absorbed, which allows you to dress immediately after application without afraid to leave fat spots on clothes;
  • ideal for moisturizing the skin in hot weather;
  • you can use daily and even several times a day.

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Cooking the body for the application of the lotion

Any cosmetic drug must only be applied to the skin properly cleansed. The ideal option is that the body is slightly steamed, then the pores open and much better absorb all the beneficial substances contained in the lotion. If you want the maximum effect - apply the product to the skin after taking a hot shower or going to the sauna.

We apply the lotion correctly

If you use the purchased lotion for the first time, do not apply immediately to the whole body. To get started, spread a small amount on the wrist and wait. Follow whether there were any unpleasant sensations on the skin, redness, itching or rash. Only after making sure that there are no allergic manifestations, you can rub them into the whole body.
In order not to stretch the skin during the application of the drug, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with massage lines used in medicine. Rubbing circular movements directed along these lines do not stretch the skin and provide an improvement in blood circulation. As a result, the beneficial substances contained in the lotion will penetrate deeper into the epidermis. After applying, let the tool absorb well and only after that dress.

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If you regularly use a moisturizing body lotion, following the tips above, then the skin and body even in adulthood will be elastic and silky, like a young girl.

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