How to use the epilator

How to use the epilator

From the epilation procedure, every representative of the beautiful floor is probably familiar, because the disposal of annoying excessive vegetation is one of the important items of the program for appearance. Decided to change the depilation wax and the razor on the electric epilator? So, this instruction is specifically for you! We will tell you how to choose the perfect device and contact him competently.

The principle of the epilator

The electric epilator is a modern cosmetic device, with which you can quickly and, most importantly, get rid of unwanted hair for a long time. Equipped with miniature tweezers, the device captures every hair founding on the way, and removes it along with the root bulb. Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe processed areas, the epilation procedure can occupy from 20 to 60 minutes.

Note! The optimal period for epilation - from 4 to 8 day of the menstrual cycle. In this phase, the pain threshold is highest, and the level of body sensitivity is the lowest.


Advantages of electric epilator

The main advantages of epilapious hair removal are considered:

  1. Long result. After competent epilation, the "smoothness" effect remains at least 2-3 weeks, depending on the individual features of hair growth.
  2. Convenience and simplicity. The epilator is quite easy to use a device that can be used as home conditions and in hiking conditions. Wireless models with built-in power supply can operate offline up to 40-60 minutes.
  3. Financial savings. Removal of unwanted hair by an electro-cell is a budget procedure that does not require anything other than one-time investment in the purchase of an appliance and patience and courage at first.


Subtleties of epilator selection

When selecting the epilator, pay attention to the following points:

  • Number of speeds. The presence of two or three velocities is simply necessary for fast and high-quality epilation - on low revs. It is most convenient to remove small and thin hairs, at high - epilacation large areas.
  • Package elements. Well, if the apparatus apparatus is equipped with special massage rollers or a removable cooling nozzle - these additional elements will help minimize pain and improve the quality of epilation.
  • Ergonomic device. When selecting the epilator, its shape and size is equally important. The device is ideal in terms of ergonomics easily fit in the palm of the palm and does not slip out of it.


Secrets of painless epilation

To make the epilation procedure as comfortable as possible, take into account several useful tips:

  1. Before the epilation procedure, be sure to take a warm bathroom or shower, the body is treated with a soft absorbing agent or gentle peeling. Lightly swee the skin with a brush or a veasage - so you raise even the shortest and naughty hairs, thanks to which the epilator is faster and more efficient to cope with its task.
  2. Start hair removal with the least sensitive and extensive areas, such as legs. When do they have a hand, go to more delicate zones - armpits and bikini. First drive the device from the bottom up and only against the growth of hairs. Closer to the completion of the procedure, when the bulk of vegetation will be removed, you can change the direction of movement to achieve the perfect smoothness and silkiness of the skin.
  3. In the process of epilation, control the arrangement of the epilator - it should be strictly perpendicular to the treated area. In other words, the angle between the device and the skin should be approximately 90 degrees. Holding the epilator in this position, you can neatly pull the skin with a free hand, thereby facilitating the sliding of the floating head.
  4. After epilation, it is possible to light skin redness, so the evening is ideal for hair removal procedure. At the end of the epilation session, lubricate the body with a light lotion or cream with a soothing effect. Timely moisturizing will help inflamed skin to calm down and regenerate.


Running hair after epilation

After epilation, the growing hair becomes softer and thin. There are often cases when they change the direction of growth - twist in the opposite direction and rotate into the skin. Many mistakenly consider ingrown hair with an ordinary cosmetic defect. In fact, the impaired growth of hairs can provoke the development of dangerous inflammatory processes and cause pigmentation. The elimination of the post-aplement problem is better to entrust the beautician - warming the inflamed place with a warm wet compress, a specialist with a sterile medical needle tends to carefully, then remove it with a tweezers, and the microrank will treat the disinfectant. To avoid rectanglement of hair, in the intervals between the epilations regularly use body scrubs and rigid appliances.

Epilator scrub2.

Of course, the removal of unwanted hair with the help of an electrophal is a rather painful and delicate procedure. However, in return, fleeting suffers can be enjoyed a couple of weeks to enjoy the lack of lowesthetic bristles and the absolute smoothness of the skin.

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