To date, there are a wide range of various vibrator mass members. In connection with the improvement of the functions and the emergence of new parameters, the choice has become much more difficult. Among the variety of models can be easily lost, choose far from the best and pass by standing. In order to avoid health problems due to improper operation, you need to know how to apply the device.
Initially, it is worth it to decide which you need a vibrating massager. The hand massager is most often used point, it is convenient, compact, easily transported. If one body portion is to be processed - enough power. The models of up to 88 watts are used as a soothing massage. When adjusting the shape advise universal devices with a capacity of 80 to 100 watts. Universal proofreaders are massagers that include all the advantages of the devices listed above. Massagers with a common area of \u200b\u200bapplication can affect different parts of the body. These devices with an outdoor platform have a rack with handrails for which you need to stay, as well as the engine, driven by a special belt, which, with the help of vibration and massaging movements, affects the selected parts of the body. The model with five speeds will be the optimal choice. The more speeds, the better.Systematic massage is able to improve performance and raise the mood, it eliminates muscle spasms, improves blood circulation, relieves fatigue, and also contributes to skin rejuvenation. If you suffer from vein diseases, cardiovascular system, consult your doctor before you do with the vibrator massager.