Washing vacuum cleaner - how to use

Washing vacuum cleaner - how to use

How many in the house do not remove, but the dust will appear again. The question is how to make cleaning does not bring too much inconvenience. If you clean carpets and other coatings with a conventional vacuum cleaner, then a good result will achieve problematic. For high-quality cleaning in the room you need to use the washing vacuum cleaner. Since it is he who will take on the bulk of the work, you need to know how to use it.

Washing vacuum cleaners almost all work according to one principle. To prepare a vacuum cleaner to work, you need to pour water into one container. The tanks in the vacuum cleaner may be, depending on the design, both near and one above the other. There are such devices of detergent vacuum cleaners, in which the container for pure water is inside the water tank used.

The principle of work-aqua filter for-detergent-vacuum cleaner

At the beginning of cleaning with a special nozzle, clean water from the first container is sprayed over the surface you want to clean. Then, on the vacuum cleaner, it is necessary to include the mode in which the sprayed water together with the dust will be absorbed into the tank with the waste water. If the cleaning quality did not satisfy you, then the peel of clean water and repeat the cleaning process.

Washing vacuum cleaner can also work in dry cleaning mode. At the same time, small and large garbage along with the air absorbs and falls into the bag, which simultaneously protrudes and the filter. The air, passing through it and the fold filter is cleaned. This mode needs to be used when cleaning surfaces sensitive to dampness and moisture. It can be separate types of parquet and laminate.

If you need to clean the carpet or other tissue surface, then it is better to use cleaning products, the effect of this effect is significantly increased. The substance is sprayed under pressure on the surface. Finding into the coating, it knocks out small litter and dissolves the dirt, immediately collecting it all in the container. The pressure of the air flow that creates a vacuum cleaner contributes to the cleaning of carpet coatings on the full pile depth. Try to keep the vacuum cleaner to fully power and the coating is not very wetted. After you spend cleaning, the surface will remain wet, and it must be dried. To dry it was easier, turn on the water collection mode and carry out additional processing.

There are many different types of cleaning products for cleaning vacuum cleaners. There are disinfectants that kill fungi, mold. Foaming substances are more suitable for cleaning carpets, antistatic creation creates dust repulsion effect.

As you can see, the use of a washing vacuum cleaner will make cleaning in your home easier and will provide greater purity than a simple vacuum cleaner.

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Zhenya 09/02/2015 at 20:46.

In my deep conviction, so that it was clean in the house, it is necessary to clean every day. In the article, everything is correctly written about washing vacuum cleaners, you will not use every day every day. What to do if a small child and a cat in the house? Cleaning only at the weekend you will not cost. And so that cleaning does not deliver trouble, you just need to buy a robot vacuum cleaner. After the birth of the baby, we received a Sititek Robo-SOS LR-450 robot vacuum cleaner as a gift. Due to the fact that it is removed almost daily, we always have order and cleanliness. And the detergent is connected for general cleaning.

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