What printers are

What printers are

With a huge variety of printers on the market, it is sometimes difficult to decide on its choice. Before you go to the office equipment, it is better to first get acquainted with the varieties of existing printers and their characteristic. You can use the services of the manager in the store, but it is better to prepare and become a specialist, since it is not always objective.

First of all, you need to develop important selection criteria, abstracting from the minor. The most important thing is not a printer brand and not a model, but printing technology. According to this criterion, printers are divided into this way: matrix, inkjet, laser, LED. There is a special variety of printers - MFP (multifunctional), which are laser and inkjet. In Russia, the most common brands: HP., Epson., Canon.

Matrix technology is the oldest. "Needle" printers work on the principle of printing machine: a moving carriage with a print head, on the matrix of which 9 or 24 needles. The needles are put forward by hitting the coloring ribbon, leave a trace on paper. The size of the points from which the printed characters are folded, depends on the diameter of the needles of the matrix. These printers did not completely disappear from everybody because of their unique properties: the inscription made on such a printer cannot be erased, corrected. Such protection against fake and the ability to print on rolled paper is needed in a bank, a passport desk, when selling tickets, etc.

Inkjet technology is based on instantaneous injecting ink through microscopic holes (dumb) located on the print carriage moving along the paper. On the inkjet printer, the quality of printing is the higher, the less dubs and the distance between them. The performance of such printers is much higher. They work silently, quickly. Due to the micron diameter, the dinds are sometimes clogged with dust or dried ink. Therefore, the quality of ink in the cartridges is important: not too liquid - dried for a long time, they are waving and not very thick - do not littered. Ink in cartridges are colored and black. Their capacity of approximately 500 print sheets of A4 format.

Laser (electronic) technology. It is based on a photorebank, which is capable of discretely retain an electric charge. Laser beam, falling on it, "turns out" separate points, removes the charge with them. Driving a beam, you can "draw" on its surface. The surface is sprinkled with a special powder - toner sticking to charged areas. Then the toner (and drawing) is transferred to the charged paper, sticks to it and is wetted under the influence of high temperature. This technology provides even greater print speed - do not dry ink, high reliability - toner does not dry up from time, resistance - no moisture is afraid. The cost of printing is several times lower than on the jet. You can use various media: paper, film, stickers, etc. There is a laser printer more expensive in the inkjet, especially color, color worse.

LED technology (LED) continues "laser" technology. The main difference is the light source. It uses a whole line of LEDs, instead of one beam. Their number depends on the resolution of the printer. Advantages: No ray control mechanics - every point your LED. No movement, which means, above reliability, speed (more than 40 pages per minute), print quality (more uniform, without boundary distortion). Not very common due to very high cost.

Multifunctional devices (MFP) - there are laser and inkjet, perform the functions of the printer, fax (or copier), scanner. It is cheaper to buy each device separately. Ideal for home or mini office.


Black and white inkjet printers are no longer produced. Color are convenient when it is necessary to print photographic quality documents at low speed. They have a large and cost of ink ink, high. Cartridges can be filled with ink, but the manufacturers of printers are not selling original inks. You can buy third-party compatible manufacturers.

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