How to fix cartridge canon

How to fix cartridge canon

As practice shows, the owners of inkjet printers or multifunctional devices are in no hurry to buy new cartridges, preferring to refill their ink. Why? It is cheaper, and knowing what they can be completely calmly replaced ink. To refill cartridges Canon ...

Prepare the necessary tools and release the place for manipulations. In addition to paint, you will need several syringes of the corresponding volume, one for each color, tools for piercing the cartridge (drill, sewing needle, needle for dropper, seer), tape or tape, napkin and gloves. Alternative option - purchase a special set for refueling.

Take the cartridge and remove the sticker from the surface - it can be glued again, so try not to break it. You will see a set of tracks - these are grooves for air, as well as one (in the black cartridge) or several circles (in color cartridges). Depending on the printer model, color cartridges have 3, 4 or 6 circles - this number is equal to the number of colors supported by the printer. Do small holes in each of them - it is convenient to use a heated needle or expand the hole with a circular movement of a seer or needle for a dropper. There should be a diameter holes sufficient to needle from a syringe with a gap for air output.


In order to fill a black cartridge, type with approximately 18 ml of ink in a 20-c-chic syringe, it is usually enough to pour 4 ml to color. The exact volume of cartridges is better to clarify the instructions for the device. Do not forget that for each color you need a separate pure syringe. Now ATTENTION - You must pour out color inks in strict accordance with the layout layout, that is, red ink - in a hole for red, blue - for blue, etc. Most often, the color scheme is as follows (if you have another printer / MFP model, refer to the documentation):


Carefully pressing the syringe on the piston, pour the paint into the cartridge. If part of the ink flowed to the surface, reload the extra and gently wipe the cartridge with a napkin. In order for the paint not mixed and did not flow, after refueling each color of the opening, you can temporarily stick to the scotch. When the cartridge is fully filled, glue the sticker back or use your tape or isolate instead. Give cartridges to stand 10-15 minutes outside the printer, it is advisable to put the napkin to give an opportunity to excess paints to pour through the printheads.

Install the cartridges into the printer, check the nozzle and clean the printheads to get rid of the remains of old ink. In the event of a print lock and the appearance of messages about the need to replace the cartridge, press the STOP button more than 10 sec.

Play cartridges in time - if the ink is dried, the cartridge will become unsuitable for further use.


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