How to reset cartridge canon

How to reset cartridge canon

The question is how to reset the cartridge, it almost always occurs at the first ink refueling. It happens because manufacturers of printed equipment do not want to lose profits and make you buy every time new cartridges, but it is very expensive.

A little about the process itself. When the ink is finished for the first time, you, of course, decide to fix the cartridge, here and the problem pops up. This chip inside the cartridge, which simply does not allow you to see your printer that the cartridge is filled with paint to the edge. And therefore, it is necessary to wind back the testimony of the chip to the initial level. After that, the ability to print will appear again.

Let's turn to discharge of readings. First you need to find and buy ink compatible with your cartridge. Find out what kind of paints are required, it is possible on the Internet, but to purchase - in stores that sell computers and related products.

First, try to disable ink level control if your cartridge chip can not be reset, and there are many modern manufacturers of such models. To do this, within 10-15 seconds, hook the paper feed button on the panel after the printer will notify you that the ink is on the outcome. Now you can easily refill the cartridge.

In other cases, you will need IPTool and MPTool programs that will help reset the ink readings. The first is designed for black and white cartridges, and the second is for color. You can download them here. After you have fixed the cartridge and installed in the printer, go to the desired program and select "Change Model". Next, click the command that reset the "Reset Black" or "Reset Color" cartridge values, respectively, and wait until the indicator lifts the ink level by 100.


If you are afraid of all the manipulations that are connected to the computer, we advise you to contact the specialists from the service where you will help reset your cartridge and even refuel it in ink.

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