How to use a steam cleaner

How to use a steam cleaner

In recent years, a novelty has appeared in everyday life, which very quickly became a big necessity - a steam cleaner. He and clothes will put in order, and from stains and smells of unpleasant will save. Cartins can not even be removed from the cornice, and the ironing board is not required for clothes. At the same time, no chemicals are used, and therefore cleaning will be environmentally friendly and disinfection will take place without harm to health.

Fill in a special water reservoir: the more tank capacity - the longer the duration of continuous operation. For home use, the optimal option is 1.5 liters (half an hour of cleaning). In order not to spend time on heating, you can immediately add hot water (cold will need about 5-10 minutes to achieve a working condition). In this case, water quality is of great importance - to reduce the formation of scale, use bottled or purified water.

Jump the necessary nozzle. They differ in the degree of rigidity and square. Brushes can be cleaned the floors, windows, mirrors, carpets and upholstered furniture. Spotbrushes are designed for chrome-plated products and hard-to-reach surfaces, and terry - for floors and windows.

When tissue processing, keep the unit parallel to the surface parallel. The more tenderly the material, the less intense there should be a steam jet. After treating the surface of the ferry, wipe the stain with a rag from the microfiber (pairs solvent a stain, and if it is not removed - it will dry, only a thinner layer). Keep the steam cleaner nozzle as close as possible to the desired surface. If the nozzle is located further than 10 cm - it will be just moisturizing.

If during the cleaning process you need a pause - steam condense in the hose and before the next turning on it is necessary to remove this water. In the event that the tank has lowered earlier than - turn off the unit from the outlet, lower the pressure through the hose and only then open the container.

At the end of the work, drive water from the hose and wipe the tank dryly. In the very good quality of the water once a year, spend its cleaning with a special means of scale. And the "wonder-device" three in one: (mop, vacuum cleaner and iron) will show itself in all its glory with proper operation.

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