How to clean the coffee maker

How to clean the coffee maker

Coffee maker is a useful device that allows every morning to enjoy the fragrant and invigorating drink. Over time, the taste of coffee may worsen. This is due to the deposits of scale and the accumulation of ingredients on the walls of the device. In this article we will tell how to clean the coffee maker.

Manufacturers of such equipment recommend using special cleaning agents. Be sure to use the instructions. But if you do not want to purchase expensive substances, you can independently clean, applying sweater means. If you have not been "order for a long time" inside the car, prepare a strong acetic solution. To do this, mix on one part of the water and vinegar. Fill the liquid into the water tank and turn on the device. When most of the solution flows into the receiver, turn off the device and wait 20 minutes.

How to clean the coffee maker

After the time expires, drain the residues of the liquid and fill in several cups of cold water. Fix the water - and you can start cooking coffee. Very effectively struggling with a scale of citric acid. To clean the coffee maker from mineral salts, dissolve citric citric acid in hot water and pour it into the liquid compartment. Boil the water in the device and drain it. To remove the residues of the acid, pour into the cold water apparatus and turn it on. Drain all the liquid and enjoy delicious coffee.

How to clean the filter and hard-to-reach places? You can take advantage of special means or folk methods. Heat over the fire over the top of the handle of the toothbrush and bend it at an angle of 90 degrees. This device is very convenient to clean the horn and filter. Try not to use conventional dishwashing tool to clean the system, they will spoil the taste of coffee for a long time.

If your coffee pot clogged, cool it under the jet of water. Put the slices of ice in the coffee pot, a tablespoon of citric acid and salt. Shake the contents of the tank several times and throw away the weight in the garbage. Leave the coffee pot alone for a few minutes, and then rinse with hot water.

How to clean the coffee maker

Love cappuccino? In this case, after making a drink, be sure to rinse the device from milk residues. If it does not clean the device in time, the taste of coffee will deteriorate, and the bacteria will begin multiply in the instrument. If you like to cook espresso, the filter clogs very quickly. As a result, the flow rate of coffee from the tube can significantly slow down. In this case, you should get to the filter, unscrewing self-sufficiency. Now just fill the tube and the filter with acid with acid. Turn on coffee cooking mode and rinse the system. After that, rinse the parts with cold water without acid. Put the filter into place and screw the self-sufficiency back.

There are more original ways to clean the coffee maker from scale. Instead of acid, you can use the means for cleansing dentures or alkoselser tablets. Turn on the device to the cooking mode and wait until the machine has all the liquid. Rinse the device hot, and then cold water. Prepare a trial batch of coffee without adding a powder into a filter. Only then proceed to cooking coffee.

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