How to clean the oven gas stove

How to clean the oven gas stove

Baked dishes are rightfully considered the most useful and delicious. But during the baking of meat, droplets of fat are often settled on the surface of the oven. Over time, they turn into a difficult brown raid. How to clean the oven gas stove fast?

Initially estimate the degree of surface pollution. If the oven is covered with fat droplets, they can be cleaned with the help of dishwashing agents. To do this, moisten a sponge with warm water and apply a little detergent on it. Watch the doors and the inner surface of the furnace. Leave the substance for 1 hour to absorb it. After that, thoroughly wipe pollution with a wet rag.

How to clean the oven gas stove

This method is not suitable for removing forged contaminants. To cope with brown fat stains, you will have to take advantage of more aggressive means. Apply milam, cilit or mole on the surface of the oven. Leave the substance for 10-15 minutes and wash the household appliance. Be sure to work in gloves, since the composition of these liquids contains acids and alkalis that can engage the skin.

To cope with dried fat, use soda and vinegar. Apply the food soda to the moisturized surface. In the sprayer, type vinegar and spray on the soda. These substances will enter the chemical response, and all pollution will leave the surface. You will only stay wash the stove with water.

A very polluted oven can be cleaned by the usual dishwashing agent. Dial some water in the baking sheet and add a few drops of detergent. Turn on the oven and close the doors tightly. Hold the container with water in the oven for 30-60 minutes. Turn off the household appliance and let it cool. After that, wipe the remains of dirt with a damp cloth. During the procedure, do not forget to turn on the exhaust and open the window. The smell of detergent will spread throughout the apartment.

How to clean the oven gas stove

A very unusual and effective means to help remove dirt from the oven, is a dough baking powder. Moisten the walls of the furnace with hot water and apply a baking powder. Leave the powder for 30 minutes and wash the oven. If these ways did not help you, and the oven is still dirty, use the steam cleaner. This household appliance generates a pair that copes even with the strongest pollution. It will help to get rid of the fat ammonium, which is sold at the confectionery store.

Very effectively copes with soamia and ammonia alcohol. Pour into the battle of 200 g of means and 1 l of water. Put the baking sheet in the hot oven and hold 2 hours in it. Make sure that the liquid from the peptic is completely flushed. After that, cool the furnace and wipe it with a wet cloth. Be sure to turn on the hood and close the door in the kitchen. During cleaning, an unpleasant smell of ammonia is distinguished.

How to clean the oven gas stove

In order not to spend a lot of time cleaning the oven, try to cover the food during cooking. When baked meat, wrap the container with foil. During cooking, cover it with parchment. This will allow all evaporation to remain on foil and paper. As a result, the oven for a long time will remain clean.

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