Doing repairing in the kitchen or entering in just acquired housing, almost every housewife has the question of what is better - a cooking panel or a common gas stove?
The main advantage of the cooking panel lies in low cost. If you buy it separately, without a brass cabinet, then it will cost you an order of magnitude cheaper than the purchase of a full-fledged gas stove. For example, one of the most inexpensive cooking surfaces of Cezaris CG 1000-11 Brown will cost about $ 90, while the FLAMA RG24011-W budget gas stove is almost 2 times more expensive. However, this savings are very conditional because you will be deprived of the opportunity to prepare foods in the oven, and the acquisition of this item is very expensive - the cheapest embedded oven, for example, Beko OIG 22100 X will cost you almost $ 300. The stove does not require much installation. If you purchase a new slab instead of the old, then everything that is required of you is to connect the gas supply hose to it and turn on the plug into the network. While the installation of the cooking surface cannot be called elementary. At first, you will have to cut a hole in the tabletop, treat it with sealant, fix the cooking panel in it and only then make it connect to the gas supply system and the electrical network. If you yourself do it are not able to contact the specialists, but their services will cost you a decent amount. However, this minus is simultaneously a plus of the hob, since you can install it absolutely anywhere in your kitchen - which cannot be done with the stove.As can be seen, the cooking panel and the gas stove has its advantages and disadvantages. There is no universal answer to the question - what is better from them. The final decision on the acquisition of the slab or panel depends only on you.
Very useful casual article!