Gas stoves are not always reliable, so they often have to be repaired. About how to correctly disassemble the gas stove, this article will tell. Before proceeding with the case, it is advisable to get acquainted with its design and principle of work. Otherwise you can damage the device.
Modern gas stoves combine systems such as gas, electric, control system, gas control and carrier. The basis of any design is the burner and adjusting crane. From the gas pipe to the crane through the holes in the coupling comes in gas. If the crane is turned, the amount of gas supplied will decrease, since the holes are closed, respectively, the corner of its rotation. In the burner fuel falls through a nozzle or injector. Flame power is adjusted by air seats. And the sublicas - two disks that move relative to each other by changing the force of the flame.
Before work, you must make sure that the gas crane is closed. Otherwise, it can lead to an accident. If you are not sure that you can disassemble the slab, it is better to use the help of a specialist.
The first thing to be done to access all pipes is to remove the top panel. You can do it by removing the grille and burner. Under the top panel there are burners under which the bolts are located. It is necessary to remove the burners and unscrew the bolts. Now, with the help of technological stops, press the clips holding the top panel. Do it very carefully not to touch the gas pipe. Raising, pull the top panel on yourself, thus released rear locks.
After that, you need to remove the control panel. Close all the cranes, remove the top panel plate, as described in the first paragraph. Gently unscrew all control knobs. Next, you need to unscrew three bolts that are located below the panel. Gently turning the panel, slightly pull it on yourself. Remove the panel from the stops, lifting it. Now disconnect the lighting and ignition buttons by pressing the plastic sprocket petals to the case. After all these actions, remove the control panel and try removing the cover of the slab. To do this, remove the spring, which slows down its drop, and unscrew all the bolts holding the lid. Remove the lid itself.
We proceed to dismantling the oven. To do this, open the door so that it takes the horizontal position. In the grooves that are in the door supports, insert the supports for removing the walls of the plate, which are included with the gas stove. Bloom the door. Act very carefully not to damage the "insides" of the plates. Pull the door on yourself while taking it for the side boards. So you can free the lower hinges. Now lower it to remove the upper hinges. Remove the door itself. To remove the bottom door, unscrew all the screws from the other side that comes into contact with the slab itself, and remove it. To get the side walls, pull 8 mounts and unscrew the 4 bolts. Remove the rear wall by unscrewing 8 bolts.
The main thing is to follow safety while working. Good luck!