How to use cream for depilation

How to use cream for depilation

Smooth and beautiful legs - the dream of any woman. And of course, I would like them to remain as long as possible. In the fight against unwanted vegetation, a lot of ways are invented. Some are too painful, others are costly, and the third is saved only for a few days. Cream for depilation is a good alternative to a razor or wax.

How cream acts

Epilation depilation is characterized in that in the first case, hair is removed from the skin surface, and in the second it is also eliminated directly from the hair lows itself. Alkaline substances in the cream are destroyed by keratin, which consists of hairs, changing its structure. Destroying hair cover, chemicals do not even injure delicate skin.

Choosing cream

Among the wide range of depilative creams, you will not choose our work. The cream is distinguished by the composition, consistency and cost. It is best to acquire cream, based on your hair type. There are creams for tight and soft vegetation, special for feet, bikini and armpits zones, as well as to eliminate hair on face. In such funds, the structure and stiffness of the hair is already taken into account.

Advantages of cream

Depilation creams have a relatively low cost, they are easy to use independently in domestic conditions. This procedure does not cause painful sensations, because the hair is not pulled out. The result is kept longer than after shaving, since when exposed to cream, the skin penetrates slightly. When the hair is growing, there is no sensation of their stiffness and knife, as after using a razor, since their ends were destroyed by chemical path, rather than cut.

Disadvantages of cream

The main flaw, noted when applying the cream for depilation - its sharp smell. The reason for this is thioglycolt and sodium - the main active substances. Also, the use of cream may be impossible due to the individual intolerance of one of the components. Although, judging by the practice of use, it happens extremely rare.

Allergy test

Before starting the procedure for getting rid of the hair, it is advisable to make testing on an allergic reaction. Apply a small amount of cream on the wrist or any other place with sensitive skin. Look out the time specified on the package, wash and inspect your hand to redness. As a rule, the use of cream does not cause side effects, but in such a delicate case it is better to be renewed.

Using cream

For high-quality hair removal from the body, skin should be cleaned of contamination and fat. For this, the scrub is perfect. The cream is applied to clean, dry, but sparkled skin with a uniform layer - about 1 mm thick. Do not hold it for more than 10 minutes, it can harm the skin. After the time erased the cream with a waffle towel, a wet washcloth or a special scraper, which comes in the kit. After that, wash the remaining remedy with warm water.

Precautionary measures

It is impossible to produce this event if there are wounds and damage on this body. With the appearance of unpleasant sensations after applying a cream on the skin, it is necessary to immediately wash the composition and, if desired, repeat the procedure no earlier than in a month. The use of cream during pregnancy and lactation should be avoided. Be sure to read the application instruction that is not applicable to the product.

Observing all the rules for applying cream and preliminary preparations for the removal procedure, you can stay calm for the smoothness of your skin for 7-10 days. Throughout hairs will be thin and soft, which will give you another 2-3 days of confidence.

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