Hot wax for depilation how to apply

Hot wax for depilation how to apply

Summer is the season of vacation and relaxing in nature. Therefore, on the sea coast or on the usual river beach, I want to look flawlessly. This applies not only to the shape, but also the skin. To quickly get rid of unwanted hair, you can use wax. In this article we will tell you how to use hot wax.

The composition of hot wax

Hot wax is a mixture of titanium, resins and natural oils. This substance is melted when heated and hardens with a decrease in temperature. It is superimposed on the hair of the body with hot, so the skin is heated under it. Accordingly, the pores open, and the hair removal procedure becomes painless.

Hot wax for depilation how to apply

How to melt wax

In order to get rid of unwanted vegetation, melt wax. Metal sudine is perfectly suitable with a lid. This jar cannot be used to store food, as the wax is badly washed away. To warm up the substance, put it in a saucepan with hot water and turn on the heating. Wait until the wax starts to melt, and all the time mix it with a wooden spatula. It is necessary that the substance becomes very warm and drum. For melting, special exclaves can be used, but they are not cheap. Purchase such a device if you all the time do wax epilation yourself. This will help avoid burns and simplify the hair removal procedure.

Skin preparation

Before applying means, wipe the skin with a talc. This is done so that the substance does not stick to the skin and easily removed from it. Purchase baby oil, you can remove the remains of wax. Suitable products of Bubchen or Johnsons Baby. These funds can be purchased at the pharmacy or in the cosmetics store. Before applying wax, you must make sure that it is not very hot. To do this, drip a little means on the elbow fold. If everything is in order, with the help of a wooden blade uniformly distribute the tool. It is advisable to remove hair with squares, 2 per 2 cm in size. This will reduce pain, but will increase the procedure time.

Hot wax for depilation how to apply

You need to apply wax over the hair growth line, their length should be at least 3 mm. Smooth sticky mass along the "fur" growth line. After about a minute, the substance will freeze. Now you will find the striped with your fingers or blades and sharply cut against hair growth. To tear the frozen wax you need not perpendicular to the skin, but along it. After epilation, remove the remnants of the oil with oil, can apply soothing cream. It is recommended to conduct a procedure once a month.

Hot wax for depilation how to apply

Package of procedure

For the first time, it is very painful for the first time of the epilation of the wax. Therefore, get lidocaine, it is sold in the form of a spray, which is enough to spray on the skin. In just 30 minutes the medicine will work, and you will understand that skin sensitivity decreased. You can proceed to the procedure.

Hot wax for depilation how to apply

If you often make the hair removal, then buy wax in briquettes or granules. These are small portions, so they can be bought if you have never used wax before. That is, even if you do not like the result, you will not spend almost nothing, because there is a small portion of the substance inexpensive. With irregular use, the means you can buy a big bank, you will be enough for a long time, and it will be possible to save.

Hot wax for depilation how to apply

The first procedure in the bikini zone is best carried out in the cabin. This is due to the fact that after shaving the hair is thick and thick, so it is very painful to remove them. The second epilation session is less painful due to the fact that the hair is thin and easily removed.

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