How to use wax for depilation

How to use wax for depilation

Depilation with wax is a popular service that almost any beauty salon offers. After her, the hair does not appear about two weeks, but again growing, become more rare and weak. This procedure is quite possible to do at home yourself, which will allow you to choose the most suitable time for you, as well as save money. Wax depilation will not be difficult if you adhere to our recommendations.

Wax selection for depilation

There are three types of waxes: cold, hot and warm:

  • Depilation with the help of hot wax is contraindicated by those who have veins diseases, since it is strongly expanding the vessels. Note that when it is used, thermal burn is possible. But such wax is good because the process of depilation with its use is less painful.
  • Cold wax depilation takes a lot of time and pretty painful. It is recommended to apply only on highly sensitive areas of the skin. Significant plus depilation using cold wax - the ability to remove the shortest and thin hairs.
  • The most suitable for home depilation is warm wax. It has a quick and soft effect, as well as easy to use. It is worth noting that its cost is greater than other types of wax. Such wax is sold in banks, as well as roller cassettes.


Preparation for depilation with warm wax

Features of preparatory activities for depilation:

  1. A few days before the procedure, remove the hair with a shaving machine from a piece of leather, which is planning to expose depilation.
  2. 5 mm - the most appropriate hair length for waxing.
  3. Carefully wash and wipe the skin before you begin to depilation.
  4. Do not use cosmetics.
  5. Heat the wax to a temperature of 40 degrees, applying specially designed devices for its heating or a water bath.

In addition, prepare the following items before depilation:

  • Wood blades, with its help you will apply wax.
  • Dense napkins made of paper or tissue strips of optimal shape and length.
  • Cosmetic or vegetable oil to eliminate leather wax left after depilation.
  • Moisturizing spray or lotion that will need to be applied to the skin at the end of the procedure to avoid its inflammation. Well with this task, lotions will be coped to slow down hair growth preventing their rustling.

3) the process of depilation with warm wax

The skin area from which hair will be removed is prepared, the wax is heated, and all the necessary items neatly lie near you. We proceed to the depilation itself with warm wax:

  1. Distribute the skin wax, moving towards hair growth.
  2. Press the paper napkin tightly on top or tissue strip.
  3. A few minutes later, when wax hardens, with a sharp movement remove it against hair growth. Stick your skin in the place where the removal process starts.

After such depilation, it is desirable for a day without visiting a bath or sauna, refrain from the use of perfume and cosmetics. Try not to sunbathe a couple of days.

Wax depilation is a simple process, and its result is perfectly smooth for two weeks. Try to make the wax depilation yourself, and creams for depilation, as well as razor machines, after which the hair grows almost the next day, will remain in the past.

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