Wax strips for depilation how to use

Wax strips for depilation how to use

One of the advantages of a modern woman in front of his predecessors is that today all conditions have been created for maintaining (or improvement) of their beauty. It services salons and cosmetology centers with many procedures and a huge range of cosmetics for home use. In this article we will analyze one of these funds (by the way, the concubine in Turkish hamsters enjoyed such analogue) - wax strips for depilation.

Types and criteria for selection of wax strips for depilation

Pursuing the goal to conquer his buyer, manufacturers of wax strips are constantly expanding the range. Therefore, you can find on sale as universal strips for wax depilation, as well as specially intended for different areas of depilation (on the legs, on the face, in the bikini zone, in hand). We recommend that you choose the latter, since their composition and dimensions are maximally adapted to the peculiarities of the skin and hair growth in a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe body. Therefore, they are more convenient for use and in terms of convenience, and in terms of efficiency.

When using wax strips is not recommended

Despite the fact that wax depilation largely wins in front of its mechanical and electrical "counterparts", there are states in which it cannot be applied. So, it is contraindicated to use wax strips, if there are neoplasms in the field of depilation (papillomas, moles, warts), damage to the skin (abrasion, wounds, bruises), varicose veins, skin diseases. It is not recommended to remove hair in this way in the presence of diabetes, high temperature, tendency to allergic reactions.

Preparation for depilation with wax strips

The first thing you need to do is to remove unwanted hair with the help of wax strips most successfully - to grow these unwanted hair to optimal length, that is, up to 0.5-1 cm. A day before the procedure, forget about the use of any cosmetics in Depilation area, including antiperspirants, if you want to remove your hair in the axillary depressures. The exceptions are special funds that come in a set with hairs. In the same period, it is recommended to make a peeling of this area, and before the holding of depilation - to unspoke the skin on it. This will help make the hair removal procedure less painful and better. And another practical advice: to minimize pain, planning manipulations for the first week after menstruation when painful sensitivity is not so high. And especially gentle in terms of pains of ladies, per hour before depilation, you can acknowledge the desired area of \u200b\u200bleather by local anesthetics (Emla cream, the Lidocaine cream, etc.).

How to use wax strips for depilation

When you are ready (and morally, physically) to the holding of depilation, you need to lead to "combat readiness" and strips, namely, the wax on them. To do this, warm it up a little, just wipe the strip of seconds 10 between the palms. After carefully remove the protective film from the strip and attach tightly to the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. To maximizely "compact" a strip with a skin, scream it in the direction of hair growth, pressing her palm on it. Now the most responsible (and painful) moment is the removal of the strip. Do it sharply and strictly towards the growth of hair growth. For more convenience, you can with the other hand below the skin below the strip. If the first time remove all the hairs did not work out, the process can be duplicated, but it is not recommended to carry out depilation more than two times on one skin. Remove the remains of wax with special napkins included with stripes, or olive oil.

Required procedures after wax depilation

To minimize the possible consequences of hair removal wax, you need to clearly fulfill several recommendations. Immediately after the procedure to bring the skin in the depilation zone in a quiet state, use Panthenol, chlorhexidine, children's cream or face cream with vegetable calendula or chamomile extracts, tea tree oil or aloe. In addition, for a couple of days, limit the physical activity, a visit to a solarium or beach, baths, saunas, bathaking and scrubbing. Try not to wear close synthetic clothing.

Wax strips for depilation are a convenient and quite effective way to get rid of unwanted hairproof at home. The main thing is to clearly follow the instructions for the application and our advice, including in the form of video.

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