How to choose a multicooker

How to choose a multicooker

Increasingly, in the kitchen of the hosts there is a new device - multivarka. The bowl is completely heated and the food is prepared quickly, in contrast to the tile. Maintaining a constant temperature has a beneficial effect on the preservation of nutrients and vitamins. The obvious advantage is that it saves time Multivarki. He threw products, including, but pot is preparing himself. In order for the unit served for a long time, it is important to consider when buying a number of nuances.

Power. The larger the value, the faster the process of cooking. In the market there are models with a capacity ranging from 300 to 2000 watts. In heating mode, the electricity consumed is small, only 150 watts. To save time, purchase multivarku with a large capacity. So VITEK VT 4209 model has a capacity of 1700 watts.

The volume of the cup. Enough for one person 2 l, and for a large family of four enough 7 liters. The biggest multivarka has a volume of 10 l. This cup is in SINBO SCO-5006. Note the volume of the cup is divided into useful and common. A useful average of 2 liters less common.

The composition of the body. Stop your eyes on models of a metal housing, in JEJU JTS-8155 model. He is strong and durable. A plastic case darkens with time. Therefore, the price for such a model below. For example, Mystery MCM-5014 costs about 1500 rubles.

Covering the bowl. Metal cup strong but the metal is present in the food flavor. Plus aluminum bowls is a small price. Choose a model of Teflon or ceramic coating. For example, Moulinex CE 701 132 has a ceramic bowl. Pottery is subject to chipping, but the service life longer. In this case, for the non-stick coating require delicate care. Purchase silicone spoon to avoid scratches. Plastic spoons are included, but they often damage the surface.

Price. Varies in the range of 1500-35,000 rubles. This factor is influenced by additional options, the number of cooking and configuration programs. In expensive models, the place of attachment cord is protected by a special cap. It protects from closure when sprinkling water. Inexpensive option - model Smile MPC-1141, and the most expensive - Bork U800.

Additional features. For convenience, manufacturers make a multifunctional device from a slow cooker. By adding yogurt mode, pressure cooker. A function with a start deferment is useful as Redmond RMC-250. This will make it possible to cook porridge in the morning without getting out of bed, simply laying products in the evening.

Manufacturers. The sales leader is Polaris. The antiprigar layer is preserved within 2-3 years. According to customer reviews, the stadler coverage is erased in a few months and when cooking smells of plastic. The Redmond brand specializes in high-quality models with a pressure cooker.

Multicooker will serve a good service and a housewife, and a bachelor. This device is practical and easy to use. Before buying, decide which functions are important for you. This will make it possible to choose the model and determine the required amount.

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