Infrared massager - how to use

Infrared massager - how to use

A modern variety of types of massages amazing imagination. Massage with infrared radiation and infrared radiation should be attributed to new items in manual therapy. In manual massager It is convenient to combine such types of physiotherapy as massage and infrared radiation. Massage struggles with a huge list of diseases, infrared rays fulfill the role of a small "manual" sun, so the benefits of such an impact are huge.

Rays massager Infrared radiation penetrate into deep layers of body tissues up to 5 centimeters. They have a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on the muscles, joints, ligaments, as well as internal organs. Massager able to stimulate blood flow and lymphotok. In addition, this device has an anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect, remove the swelling, itching, the tissue will warm up and improve the regeneration process.

Affecting on defined zones massager struggles with a whole complex ailments. So, treating the collar zone, you can not only remove pain syndrome, but also reduce blood pressure, relieve fatigue. Massage of hands and legs is carried out towards the heart of the periphery.

It should be used with caution massager with infrared radiation in cases if you transferred surgery or suffer heavy disease. Also worth mitten using this Type of device, if you have a high temperature, vascular disease, diabetes, jaundice, acute inflammatory processes or you are pregnant. When exposed to area necessarily Close your eyes.

At Massage this device you can be in any convenient position for you Lying, standing, sitting. You can massage the necessary part of the body yourself or resort to someone's help. You can choose intensity modes (usually all massagers They have), press the head massager The treated area is stronger or weaker. Massaging each site follows no more three minutes, after which go to another part of the body.

Not advise the use of infrared massager Before bedtime, because any physiotherapy has a stimulating effect and an exciting effect. As a result, problems may arise with falling asleep.

The massage of this device should always bring a relaxing and pleasant effect. If the impact of its skin is unpleasant sensations or pain, it is worth interrupting the procedure or change the position or force of pressing massager.

7) It is recommended to pass 10 massage sessions with a two-day interval to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.

If You want to improve skin condition, significantly reduce the amount of age wrinkles, get rid of from the scarring Ot burns, scars, you should purchase a special infrared massager for face.

Although infrared radiation is considered absolutely harmless, but only useful, before use massager Consult with your doctor .

Comments leave a comment
Irina 08/08/2015 at 14:39

I understand this something like these mass makers?
Do you think they help?

To answer
    Alexander 02/26/2018 at 22:16

    Very help. I have been using for three years already, the effect on the face, even familiar massages not without wonder notice positive results.

    To answer

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