How to get rid of acne on the face at home

How to get rid of acne on the face at home

Acne is one of the most unpleasant and problematic problems, sharply standing in front of a million girls throughout the world. Dear cosmetics and professional facial cleaning do not give proper result? Then try to treat the skin of the face yourself at home.

Causes of acne on the face

The main and most common cause of the occurrence of acne is hormonal changes in adolescence. However, not only teenage girls suffer from constant rash and skin problems. Before treating the skin, dermatologists advise the cause of the occurrence of acne.

The most common causes of the occurrence of acne are:

  • Allergic response to leather care products, decorative cosmetics, food and medication.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Incorrect meals
  • Dysbacteriosis and other intestinal diseases.
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Bad ecology.

Thus, establishing the cause of the appearance of acne, measures should be taken to eliminate it. If the causative agent is any disease, it is necessary to apply for advice to the profile doctor.

How to get rid of acne on the face at home

So that many cosmetologists speak in beauty salons - aggressive methods of struggle with eels are not able to have the desired effect on the skin. On the contrary, they can only aggravate the painful condition of the skin. Daily at home, any woman can afford to care for their skin. Consider effective and gentle ways to combat eels.

  • The "Calendula" tincture or "Rotokan" - perfectly replace lotion. They not only eliminate the salinity of the skin and disinfect it, but also have arapeutic, anti-inflammatory effect, thanks to her grass. Use best before bedtime. Remove all cosmetics from her face. A small amount of "Rotokan" or "Calendula" apply onto a cotton disk and scroll through the skin. For antibacterial exposure, do not dilute with a solution with water. Give it to absorb the skin and rinse with warm water in the morning. With daily use, the effect of the use of the tincture of herbs is already visible after 3-4 days after the first procedure.

  • Tea tree oil - relieves inflammation and disinfects the skin, gives it silkiness and slows down the aging process. The oil has a strong specific smell, people prone to allergies, should be used with caution. It is applied to the skin in the evening clock (do not forget about the sharp smell). Before applying, clean the skin from cosmetics, and a small amount of oil, easy massaging movements, distribute the face skin. Special attention to the problem areas. The result is noticeable in a week. Reduces inflammation on the skin from the first time. In the people, the tea tree oil is called "ambulance" for the face.

  • Badyaga is a freshwater sponge, often used in cosmetology in the fight against acne, pigmentation, for the treatment of oily skin, lifting bruises and spots from acne, and skin rejuvenation. Masks from Badyagi can be done no more than 2-3 times a week. It is contraindicated to people with very dry skin. In addition, if the blood vessels have been expanded on your face or there are wounds, the badyaga is completely contraindicated. In other cases, it fights perfectly with skin flaws. You can make a mask from Badyagi yourself or purchase a ready-made gel in a pharmacy (Badyag Forte). In order not to provoke an allergic reaction (the badyaga is very allergen), it is best to purchase a powder in the pharmacy, but the Badyag Forte gel. Apply gel on the cleansed skin to the face and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then, with a cotton disk and warm water, carefully remove it from the face. Avoid getting gel in the eyes! Usually, after removing the mask, the skin of the face is pulled, and you can feel lung tingling. Nothing wrong with that. Do not stand after a mask or gel "Badyag Forte" to apply the cream on face - give the skin to enrich oxygen. After a mask from Badyagi, it is not recommended to go out on fresh air for 2 hours.

We reviewed with you some of the most effective ways to combat eels at home. If you do not have allergies on the components of the provided funds, and you keep all the precautions, then you will not apply any harm to your skin. On the contrary, they are useful even for skin who have no these problems. Therefore, before spending money on expensive cosmetics and procedures, try it yourself at home to try to normalize the condition of the skin of the face.

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