What cannabis looks like

What cannabis looks like

Even cannabis lovers buying it on black market may not know how this plant really looks like, what him Distinctive features, as it grows and what sizes can reach. We will try to answer all these questions in this article.

Plant hemp

Hemp - It is long ago famous science Annual plant. Grow Maybe in a wild form, and may be cultivated by man. Hemp on Latin is called cannabis. Word " cannabis"In Russian, denotes a psychoactive substance produced from this plant.

How to determine the hemp

It is easy to distinguish a hemp. All her varieties Possess the same and recognizable leaves consisting of 5-7 leaves. Each sheet has a toothed profile with sharp ends. Varieties were derived from throughout At the base of petals, but these are rare selection varieties. If you look at the photograph of cannabis at least 1 time, in the wilderness you might can determine this plant on his leaves.

Cannabis can also be found in the likeness of the Christmas tree. Like any Christmas tree, these plants can Various in branchiness. For example, dominate Maybe the central stem, and the side will be moderate or, on the contrary, a plurality of side branches that compete with the main top.

Height and Development of Cannabis

Humidity and heat contribute to the fact that the two-mounted seeds are powered by the root. After 2-3 days on the surface will seem escape on which there will be 2 germ leaf. First they have white-yellow Color and folded like palms. A few days later they reveal And greasy. Right between them begin germinate Real leaves. The first pair has only 1-petal, the second of them is already 2-3, the fourth comes to 5, each subsequent from 7m. Petals. First petals locked Tightly over each other. Over time they start disturbSo the skeleton is pulled out.

This stage passes each variety in different ways. In between structible and cuttings of leaves (in nodes) form Green dots that develop In the side shoots. The development of side shoots occurs in the same scheme. On each escape Several leaves will grow, in the sinuses of which secondary nodes will develop. Of these, the side branches of the third order will come out. Plant in good conditions can develop in a very branched bush.

Parallel The development of the above-ground part is the formation of the root system. It has a vertical structure. The root of the embryo as soon as it comes out from seeds, immediately rushes vertically down in search of nutrients and water. In this case, the lateral branching occurs. For growing necessary Use pots with sufficient depth. With the development of the root system, not the depth plays a large role, but the volume of pot. In small, but wide pots, a bush can grow more voluminous.

Harmful and dangerous properties of cannabis

  • Frequent use of plants from family Conducting forms a strong dependence.
  • Hemp is harmful for intestinal and gastric tract.
  • Cannabis darkens eyes and causes headaches.
  • Scientists from all over the world confirmed that hemp and its components are irretrievably and dryly dry the male seed because of what a man becomes fruitless.
  • Overdose leads to tremor limbs, reinforced potimidal, nausea, tachycardia, fainting and dizziness.
  • Overdose has a strong effect on the central nervous system. A person can be seen: paranoia, obsessive ideas, treason, hanging and glitches. It is difficult for speech and the speed of thinking, severe hallucinations appear. Manifests partial immobilization Or disrupted coordination of movements.
  • The use of plants causes a short-term memory that is not promotes logic.
  • Sales, storage or cultivation of any raw material from the Konopless family is prohibited by the Criminal Code and punishable by law.

As you see, in cannabis There is nothing mysterious. This is another species, a simple and ordinary. Many can to argue with that statement, calling marijuana "Miracle" and "God's gift". It is also correct. Every form of life - it is a real miracle, cannabis is no exception.

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