What a naughty look like

What a naughty look like

The name of the mushrooms of the Wood happened from the word "stump" because they are mainly growing around the stumps. Under this description, meadow oots do not fall, they hide in herbs. It is known about 20 species of them, among which are encouraged and inedible. Among the mushrooms are greatly popular with summer, autumn, winter and meadow. We will talk about them today and let's talk, as well as tell how to distinguish edible and inedible mushrooms.

What summer lies look like

  • Summer hats are called a light-brown shade, they are small, their diameter is from 3 to 7 cm.
  • Hats initially convex, in the center have a tubercle, with time become flat, with a passing dark rim along the edge.
  • Plates have grown and rare, their color is a little lighter color of the hats itself.
  • Summer legs are called brown, a dark brown shade appears below the rings. They are thin and with scales, their thickness is up to 0.7 cm, and the length is up to 9 cm.
  • Summer woven meet from June to September, they grow on the stumps of hardwood, on coniferous trees during this period they will not settle.
  • These mushrooms are desirable to collect in crude weather, at this time their signs are most pronounced, so as not to confuse her own mushrooms.
  • It should be noted, in the summer, it does not have any universal features, 100% of them distinguishing them from bad mushrooms, so it is better not to risk and abandon the collection of summer science.

What do the autumn whale look like

  • Mushrooms from this group are the most common. Their caps are achieved in diameter from 4 to 15 cm, initially they have a convex form, then become flat, in the middle can have a tubercle, browned small scales and specks.
  • Color hats: beige, light brown, gray-brown.
  • Power hats dense and white.
  • The plates are first covered with a white thin film, but over time it breaks off and like the ring hangs on the leg.
  • As the plate grows, dark spots and light brown tint are acquired.
  • The legs are based, with a diameter of up to 2 cm and 5-12 cm long, thin and fibrous.
  • Color resembles Ombre, the leg of the leg has a light brown shade, passing to the bottom into the dark brown.
  • Autumnal naughty are found in gardens and forest areas. They grow on the stumps of trees, most often hard and coniferous. When drought, they can be located at an altitude of up to three meters at drying trees.

What winter whales look like

These mushrooms are the latest, they are not afraid of frosts, give fruit bodies in the late autumn and in the first month of winter. Such mushrooms are completely edible, but they have very hard legs, so only hats are used in food.

  • Winter hats are made of convex and small diameters, not more than 10 cm. Their color: pale yellow, yellow-red, light-brown-brown, cream.
  • Plates under the color of the hats, light and rare. The legs are cylindrical and curved, dilated and elastic, light yellow shade at the base, down - dark brown.
  • These wow grow on trees, their habitat is weakened trees, dead wood and stumps.

How do meadow lumps look like

The name of these mushrooms corresponds to their habitat. They are also called "thugs", this is associated with the uniqueness of their aging, because the meadow is not rotated with time, like other mushrooms, and dry out and become tiny sizes.

Through-gray and light brown meadow hats are called small sizes, about 6 cm. Initially, they have a cone-shaped-convex shape, then become flat. Plates on them are rare, in the color of the hat. The legs are dense and cylindrical, their color does not differ from the color of the cap, thin and high, length of up to 10 cm. There is no ring.

How to distinguish false sheds from edible

We have already robbed you about the features of the present. There are several types of mushrooms that are similar to edibles. They are easy to confuse, since those and those are similar to each other, growing with flocks, besides growing in the same places. We will tell you how to distinguish false from real mushrooms.

  • No rings.
  • The color of the false hats will be a little brighter than that of real. They are painted more bright and scratchy.
  • The smell of false nasty earthy, u edible - pleasant mushroom.
  • Young false hoists do not have scales on the hat, and edibles have.
  • The plates of false scum are of yellow, old - olive-black or greenish.

Mushrooms are found to the category of conditionally edible, however, with proper use, they have useful properties, in their composition they have zinc, copper, vitamins C and B1. Moreover, the autumn widespread on the body can provide a laxative action, winter - to resist viruses, meadow - improve the work of the thyroid gland.

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