How to make a needlenets

How to make a needlenets

In order to protect yourself and loved ones, it is necessary to carefully look at the location of the needles at sewing. In this case, do not do without a needle, which can be made with your own hands.

How to make a needle in the form of a hat

For the manufacture, the so-called needle house, we will need:

  • the cloth;
  • dense cardboard;
  • sintepon;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • decoration for a hat.

We proceed to the manufacture of a cute needle:

  • Cut the circle with tight cardboard scissors. Depending on which diameter of the circle you choose, this size and there will be a future needle.
  • Scissors from the fabric cut the circle twice as much, rather than a circle of cardboard.
  • Cut the circle from the fabric size like a circle of cardboard.
  • Watch the cardboard circle into the carved fabric.
  • With the help of the needle and threads we are wearing a cloth cardboard circle, making the same folds. The base of the hat is ready, postpone it for a few minutes.
  • We proceed to the manufacture of the second item of the hat. On the second tissue circle we put the syntheton.
  • We sew the edges of the circle, get a soft ball.
  • We connect two parts with the thread and needle or glue.
  • We decorate a hat with any decor, for example, a ribbon, flower, beads, etc.

A funny hat is ready, its manufacture will leave about 20 minutes.

How to make a needle from banks

For the manufacture of an unusual needleer from a small jar, we will need:

  • small jar;
  • the cloth;
  • dense cardboard;
  • sintepon;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • jewelry for jar.

Go to the creation of a soft punch from the bank:

  • Thoroughly rinse and dried by a jar.
  • From the cardboard, cut the circle of the diameter of the lid.
  • From the fabric, we cut the circle twice the diameter of the lid.
  • On the carved fabric circle laying the synthetone.
  • Mock on the edge of the fabric.
  • Insert the cardboard circle inside the pads.
  • We tighten the pad and fix the node.
  • We glue a soft pad to the lid.
  • Go to decoration, decorations choose to your taste.

The needle from the bank is ready! In the jar itself, you can add a sewing headset or personal belongings.

How to make a needleer from felt

To create a stylish needleer from felt we will need:

  • paper;
  • felt several colors;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • sintepon;
  • pencil;
  • button.

And so, proceed to the creation of the needle bar of felt:

  • Draw a pattern on paper needle bed parts or printed from the Internet.
  • On Felt draw out the contour of the pattern.
  • Cut the felt part of the needle bar, namely, cactus, cactus sprout, flower, pebbles.
  • Sew 2 flower one by one, and sew the button in the center of the flower.
  • Sew the same parts of cactus, while leaving a small hole, then to fill the synthetic padding.
  • Sew felt pebbles and fill them with synthetic padding.
  • We sew to the main cactus sprout, flower and stones.

Cactus of felt ready! In order to complete the image of the real need to stick a needle.

How to make the needle bed as a pillow

To make the original Pincushion we need:

  • the cloth;
  • sintepon;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • hot glue;
  • beads.

Getting tailoring Pincushion:

  • On the fabric with a pencil draw a circle and cut it.
  • Two carved circle add up the faces of the one-to-one.
  • Basting them around, departing from the edge is 5 mm.
  • Sew two circles.
  • We make an incision in the middle of a circle.
  • We gut-wrenching to the right side and fill the pillow with synthetic padding.

  • Premade incision sutured.
  • Vdevaem long thread the needle, inject it through the middle and draw out downward from the bottom to the initial position, to be tightened firmly. Back to work hard in the middle, so it is necessary to repeat several times. Such actions we divide the pad in the sector. The number of sectors depends on your preferences. At the end of the division by sector, to tighten and make a strong knot.
  • The location of the node at the intersection of thread should stick beads of various sizes. Needle bed in the form of pillows ready! For the manufacture of similar, practical needle bed takes a minimum of time, and the result will surprise you.

Needle bed irreplaceable thing in the arsenal of housewives. You can create your own hands from a variety of materials. The presence of the needle bar in the house will bring comfort when sewing and prevent the loss of such a dangerous tool.

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