How to care for azalia

How to care for azalia

Azalea is an intense room flower. So that the plant was pleased with amazing blossoms for several months, then it is necessary to care. Azalea needs appropriate lighting, abundant irrigation, compliance with the temperature regime, fertilizer, as well as in timely trimming and transplant.

How to care for azalia - lighting

When the flower is located, it is worth considering that the azalea requires a scattered light, because it does not tolerate direct sunlight. Or it should be half. In the summer, the plant can be taken out into the street, it is necessary to put in a cool place where it is predominantly shadow. In the apartment, the best location is considered the Western or East window. For Azalea, the deepening factor is considered to have a heating near batteries. Therefore, you need to avoid close joint location.

How to care for azalia - watering

  • Azalea needs abundant irrigation. The health of the flower depends on the proper moisture. Never allow soil drying in a pot, but the pallet must be empty. For watering, clean precipitated or melt water is needed, if there is no one, it is necessary to defend water from the crane or day. The water temperature must match the temperature of the room.
  • It is very important to maintain the acidity of the soil. Two, three times a month should be acidified. On a liter of water, add a couple of citric acid crystals.
  • Also regularly needed azalia to spray with water, especially in the heating season. Because hot batteries are strongly dried air.
  • Very often for planting use peat ground, but he, hidden, hardens in com. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically make it possible, namely, to position the pot with a flower in a container with water.
  • The blasting of the soil in a pot can lead to the death of the plant, as Azalea has small roots that can be accidentally damaged.
  • If your plant is in a cool place, then in winter it is snowing in the pot into the soil in a pot of a pot or slices of ice, which will ensure moisture. But this option is not suitable for warm houses, apartments, since sharp temperatures racing can adversely affect the development of the flower.

How to care for azalia - Temperature regime

An acceptable temperature for the cultivation of azaleas is read by 8 - 16 degrees. However, with proper watering, moisture, the flower is coming and at a temperature of 21 - 22 degrees. If the flower was located on the street in the summer, then it is necessary to bring it into the house until the heating is supplied, since the temperature difference will be hooked up to flower diseases. It is recommended during the flowering of the azalia to contain at a temperature of no more than 18 degrees. In winter, it is necessary to periodically spray the flower, thereby moisturizing it. Since the temperature regime of this plant is slightly lower than in your home, you can artificially provide the flower the necessary conditions. For this, the flower on the ground in a pot is laying out the pieces of ice or watered, spray chilled water.

How to care for azalia - fertilizer

For the right development of Azalia, it is necessary to fertilize. The choice of fertilizers depends on the pore of the year, namely:

  • in the spring-summer month, mineral fertilizers 1 time in 2 weeks;
  • in the autumn-winter months, a feeder consisting of potassium and phosphorus 1 time in 2 weeks.

Carefully read the dosage of feeding, in order not to burn the plant.

How to care for azalia - trimming and transplant

In order to Azalya, it is bloody, it is necessary to periodically cut, pinch and replant.

  • Trim shoots follows at the beginning of summer or immediately after flowering. We need to tear weak or increasing shoots.
  • For abundant flowering, patching stems. Page it is necessary young epaulets.
  • Young shoots that are near the buds, you must immediately delete.
  • You need to transplant young Azalia every year after flowering, and an adult flower must be resettled every 3 years.
  • A transplanting pot should choose by criteria: Wide, but not deep.
  • Breaks azalia in summer period cuttings.

Azalea is demanding about care, but she thanks you for the work bright, lush, long blossom!

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