Violets belong to whimsical room flowers. But with correct care, they will not give you problems. If you create the right conditions of detention, then they will grow you with blossom almost all year. For proper growth of violets, it is necessary:
- heat;
- light;
- air;
- water;
- fertilizers.
How to care for violets - temperature regime
The most acceptable temperature for the cultivation of violets varies in the range of 18-25 ° C. It is allowed to reduce the temperature of 5 ° C at night. Violets poorly tolerate cold and drafts. This can slow down their development or destroy. When carrying out the room in the winter period of time, they must be transferred to another room.
How to care for violets - light
The coverage of the right development is the lighting. Light day for violets is obliged to be at least 10-12 hours. In order to check if violets of light grabs, it is necessary to carefully examine the leaflets.
- When the leaves are thick and have a rich green color, then light enough.
- When the leaves draw up, the light is not enough.
- When the leaflets have a faded color and tighten down, the light is overabundant.
Most often, the lack of light occurs in the winter season, since the light day is significantly reduced. You should not despair, you can use the lamp to increase the day of the daylight. When installing additional lighting, the colors will grow faster and more often bloom. Artificial lighting must be installed from November to February. There are cases of use of additional light year-round, due to the characteristics of the location.
How to care for violets - water
Violets extremely loved water, but you need to know the limit. With frequent watering of the root of the flower, I begin to rot, which will lead to the death of the plant. When we water the flower, we are saturated with oxygen. For irrigation, a leak with a long nose is preferred. Watering is needed under the root 1-3 times a week. The best water for watering violets is the purified water temperature of the room. When watering with water, which does not correspond to the recommended temperature, appear on the leaves of yellowish stains. The optimal version of watering is watering from the pallet. Water poured into the pallet and the pot is placed in it, in which there are drainage holes. Through these holes, the violet absorbs the desired amount of water. The frequency of watering depends:
- on temperature indoors;
- from material pot;
- from room lighting;
- from the flowering stage.
As soon as the violet blooms, it requires additional watering, and also if it is in a clay pot. In the plastic pot moisture evaporates much slower.
How to care for violets - air humidity
Air humidity affects the growth of violets. In winter, the air in the premises becomes dry. If the violet is in the room where dry air, it will certainly die. For air humidification, it is necessary to disseminate water over plants from the pulverizer. Make sure that the water does not hit the flowers.
How to care for violets - fertilizer
For healthy growth, violets need to fertood, namely:
- in summer, 1 time in 2-3 weeks;
- in winter, 1 time per month.
Violets need phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, sulfur, magnesium. The land in the pot quickly loses useful minerals, so it is necessary to periodically feed. Before you feed, moisten the ground with water, otherwise you hurt the root system. Find out in several ways:
- add nutrients to water watering can;
- add nutrients to the pallet with water.
Carefully learn the instructions for using fertilizer. It is better to give a little less useful substances than to burn a plant with an excective.
Do not rush to her bloom. You can only bloom with adults rooted with violets. Even if the young violet releases buds, they need to be removed to succeed. Also, 2-3 times a year, it must be poured by a weak solution of manganese. So that the violet grew up healthy, developed and bloosed, it is necessary to ensure comfortable conditions of detention.