How to water cactus

How to water cactus

Watering in the cultivation of cacti is the most responsible moment. Their homeland is in very arid areas of the Earth, so during rare precipitation cacti accumulate moisture and consume it for a long period. Excessive and too frequent watering them is harmful, as it leads to reinforcement of the roots. But this does not mean that cacti is better not to water.

Definitely answer the question "How to water Cactus?" impossible. At different times of the year, under different conditions of detention, the same plants need different amounts of water. If the room is sunny, dry, and the pot is small, then the soil dries quickly and watering is absolutely needed.

In the summer months, the plant begins to develop intensively and grow, so daily watering is desirable, preferably in the morning hours. By evening, when the air temperature decreases, the whole moisture from the pallet is absorbed into the earthen com and water will not be stated. Small varieties are grown in tiny pots, they should still be moisturized by spraying. In rainy, cloudy days, watering is not needed, moisture enough in the air, otherwise the spine can bend.

Watering cacti should be warm boiled or indentioned room temperature. It is even better to use rainwater for watering. It is necessary to defend water at least a day. Hardwater soften the addition of peat. If all the time watering the plant with rigid water, then a white flare will appear on the base at the base - calcium salts deposited. It is harmful to the spiny and reduces its decorativeness. Water with a thin jet, so that water flows into the ground and did not fall on the plant itself. As soon as the onset of autumn creates, watering gradually reduce. From the end of October, there is very little water with a plant.

In winter, cactus needed: good lighting, ventilation and minimal watering. Spines are alone, it is better to take them in the coolest place. Comfortable room indoor from 5 to 10 degrees. Large copies over the entire period water 1-2 times, small plants - more often (1-2 times a month). Water for watering is slightly above room temperature. The plant weakens at this time, excessive watering is harmful to it.

Cold wintering plants is a guarantee of its further development. By providing him with the necessary winter peace, you will save it a beautiful form and then see long-awaited flowering and fruiting. With the beginning of the spring warming, start cautiously increase watering and warm spraying on sunny days. Many varieties of cacti begin to water in spring only when the first buds appear.

The blooming cactus is undesirable to turn, move, otherwise the buds will not reveal and fall. Sucmation and epiphythic cacti with the appearance of flowers are watered, and the ceremonies are still sprayed with warm water. Even blooming cacti can not be overgrowed - their buds are burned in the processes, instead of flowers you will get "kids."

In winter, almost all varieties of cacti stop in their growth, rest, they must be kept in a cold, dry room. In warm, sunny days - to ventilate. Flowering in autumn-winter cacti need regular watering. For example, Sklubberger ("Decembrist") with the advent of buds regularly watered.

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