How beautiful look beautiful in the morning

How beautiful look beautiful in the morning

Each woman wants to be beautiful and looks fresh and young, but sometimes it is so very difficult, especially when there was no possibility to sleep, but to get up early - to work, study or on other affairs. The appearance of a woman affects a huge number of external and internal factors, but there are several, which have a serious impact on appearance. If you follow them, then the morning glance in the mirror will not scare, but please you.

How beautiful look beautiful in the morning - healthy sleep

Sleep is one of the most important factors that affect not only human appearance, but also on his health. And as you know, health is directly related to its appearance. Scientists without silent say that the body needs at least 8 hours of sleep, but in fact everything individually, someone lacks 10 hours, and someone after 6 hours of Bodr and full of strength. Find out how much time you need personally to sleep, and try to sleep just such a number of hours. Do not sleep more, "Perevoz" is not much better than inappropriate.

It is advisable to purchase either orthopedic, or just convenient for you mattress. And try to sleep on your back, such a posture is recognized as the most useful. The same harmful posture for sleep - on the stomach, so in an accelerated pace, deposits and wrinkles are formed.

Before bedtime, do not drink a lot of fluid, as it causes swelling.

How beautiful looks in the morning - physical education

Morning charging is able to charge the body with energy for the whole day, even if you give it only 5 minutes. The blood "accelerates" by the body, the skin acquires a beautiful shade, and the energy is even eliminating. And if you pay physical culture more time, the result will affect the figure.

How beautiful look beautiful in the morning - makeup

Makeup is an important factor that helps in the morning look better. But even not so much its presence on the face, how much is the absence before bedtime. If you are not fully melting makeup in the evening, then you will find on the face of unpleasant consequences in the morning - redness, rash and other "charms" with which every woman fights daily.

How beautiful look beautiful in the morning - a balanced dinner

Evening diet also significantly affects appearance. For radiant skin, it is better to eat vegetables and fruits in food, and fried and salty smaller. Food is better not to shed at all, salt delays water in the body, as a result of which skin swelling occurs.

Do not use coffee and strong tea before bedtime, as they excite the nervous system, and this is very harmful.

How beautiful look beautiful in the morning - a contrast shower

Water is a source of strength and health of any person. It is advisable to take a relaxing bath with salt and / or aromatic oils. And in the morning it will be useful to take a contrast shower. If your body is not ready for this, then make water slightly cool.

How beautiful look beautiful in the morning - haired care

Hair is an integral part of the appearance of a woman, and they also need careful care, especially if they are long. If you did not apply a lot of cosmetics on your hair, it will be enough to simply comb your hair with a massage brush before bedtime. If you enjoyed foam or hair varnish, then it is better to wash your head.

How beautiful look beautiful in the morning - face care

For the best effect you need to choose cosmetics suitable for your skin type. Ideally, it should make a beautician, but not everyone has the opportunity to visit such a doctor. No problem! You can always choose the desired cosmetics yourself. To do this, you need to decide: dry, fatty or leather combined; Are there any allergies to some components contained in creams and cosmetics; Whether acne and black dots often appear. Based on the data obtained, you can ask for a consultant to advise good cosmetics.

It is not necessary to save on cosmetic products, cheap cosmetics often contain chemicals that negatively affect the skin of the face.

In addition to using creams can spend some of the procedures. For example, if in the morning to steam the skin, clean it with tonic, foam or scrub, and then hold the skin with ice (preferably herbal), you will see that your pores will be cleared and will be narrowed. A lemon juice bleaches and dries the skin, perfectly helps to get rid of freckles and age spots. With the same result applies parsley juice.

If you pay your appearance quite a bit of time, in the morning in the mirror you will see a nice woman.

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