How to remove Makeup

How to remove Makeup

As a rule, girls spend a lot of time at the mirror, causing cosmetics, but the removal of makeup usually takes them at best 2-3 minutes. But the Demaciazh is a kind of skin care that allows you to keep it fresh and young for a longer time as possible.

The easiest way to clean the skin from cosmetic means is to wash them off with water using any means for washing. At best, it is a gel or foam, at worst - soap. However, such a cleansing cuts the skin, tightens it, leads to inflammation and irritation on the face. It is much more useful to rinse cosmetics using special means for demakiusage for this, and then if there is such a need to rinse the face with clean boiled water.

Cosmetic stores offer a huge amount of variety of makeup removal. Conditionally, they can be divided into several types:

  • lotion;
  • two-phase fluid;
  • hydrophilic oil;
  • milk;
  • micellar water.

You need to start the cleaning procedure from lips.

  1. Moisten a cotton disk to the demaciage.
  2. Gently remove lipstick residues.
  3. It is recommended to make movements from the corners of the lips to their middle.

Now you can proceed to the removal of cosmetics from the eyes. Perhaps this stage of the demaciament is the most complicated, because the skin in this place is very sensitive.

  1. Purchase a special tool with a mark "to remove makeup with eyes."
  2. Apply a sufficient amount of product on your cotton disk and gently erase cosmetics, moving from an inner corner of the eye to external.
  3. Now proceed to cleansing the eyelashes from the carcass, conducting a cotton disk from eyelash roots to their tips.

Completes Demacian Face Cleaning Cosmetics:

  1. Soak your cotton disk to the means suitable for your skin type.
  2. Start gently shooting cosmetics through massage lines to avoid wrinkle.
  3. If you use milk to remove makeup - just apply it evenly on the skin and after a while, remove with dry cotton discs.
  4. After cleaning the skin from the tone and powder, be sure to wipe the face with tonic, it will remove the remnants of cosmetics and give the skin of freshness.
  5. Apply the nutrient cream as the final stage in the face of face.

Take yourself as a rule: Never, under no circumstances go to bed with makeup. No matter how much you are not tired and how much time it would not be on the clock - get to your face ten minutes and bring the skin in order. Be beautiful!

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