How to braid braid girl beautiful and just

How to braid braid girl beautiful and just

From a long time, long hair was considered a decoration for a girl, a girl and a woman. There is an opinion that the larger than the braid, the patient girl. And it is true. Not every can cope with such a beautiful, but complex work, like wearing long hair. In order for you for you and your daughter, long braids have become not a hindrance, but to decorate, better since childhood to teach it how quickly and just create beautiful hairstyles from her gorgeous hair.

How to braid braid girl - ordinary braid

On small fidget, it is not so easy to create masterpieces, so for beginners it is recommended to master the first stage - weaving ordinary braids. The technique of her weaving is sufficiently simple, and the result will delight you all day, even if your daughter is very moving throughout it.

  • Hair we divide into three equal parts.
  • We take strand from the left temple, lay it for the central strand.
  • Hair tighten the braid to be densely and stayed longer.
  • We take strand from the left temple and also lay it for the central strand. So we continue weaving to the tip of the hair.
  • We finish weaving the fact that we fix the tips that are not included in the braid, rubber band. You can also decorate the hair with a bow, a hairpin or nuts into the braid tape.

To the same category of simple braids, you can attribute your favorite hairstyle of small fashionistas - two pigtails. The scheme of weaving is similar, the difference is only in the fact that he is first divided into two smooth parts by a sample, and then the braid turns on the described scheme.

How to braid braid girl - spit "spikes" or French braid

The second is the complexity of weaving is the braid "spikes". Knowing the basics of weaving the creation of this hairstyle will not be much labor.

  • Weaving begins with the separation of hair into two parts.
  • Separate part of the hair at the base of the forehead and divide it into three parts.
  • The first movements do not differ from the usual braid. Next weave with adding a small amount of hair to each side strand.
  • A combined strand is superimposed on the middle. All strands should be maintained separately, try not to confuse them, then the hairstyle will be neat.
  • According to this principle, the braid is brazed until the end of hair growth.
  • You can finish the braid by a simple tail, which is fixed with a rubber band. Either you can remove your hair up, fixing the tail with a rubber band and twisting the hair into my nipper on the back of the head. You can stick with hairpins or other hairpins.

How to braid braid girl - Hairstyle "Waterfall"

Simple, but at the same time romantic festive hairstyle is "waterfall". For girls, this hairstyle is appropriate on holidays and matinees.

  • Hair must be carefully performed so that even the smallest hooks and nodules are left. The chapel can be divided into smooth samples or just bother back. You can start on any side. If there is a bang - you can beat it and fix with varnish or invisible.
  • We take a small strand from the selected side and weave the ordinary braid to about the level of the ear.
  • Next, we intersect the right and middle strands, and the third strand is replaced by the upper curl, which is covering free strands.
  • After that, the curl and the whole right of the way we are issued in the "waterfall". So it turns out the first part of a beautiful hair cascade.
  • All weaving continues according to the standard scheme when the right side at the bottom - it is released in the "waterfall".
  • The main thing is not to forget that in your hands you have to have only two work strands, they constitute a horizontal braid, you can also lay it and fasten it with hairpins. Remain the rest of the hair in the "Waterfall".
  • At the end of the weaving, leave one curl free. To create an airiness in the hairstyle, you can pull a little strands from the main braid, and the loose hair should be puffed. That's ready holiday hairstyle for your daughter!

We work out your skills on simple hairstyles and will soon be able to create real masterpieces from the hair of your daughter to envy to others!

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