How to make a bagel on my head

How to make a bagel on my head

Hairstyle Bagel is practical and stylish, for many fashionistas is a universal solution. Consider all the secrets of this hairstyle, tell me how to do it. All that will be done is to decide which bundle is suitable for you and repeat the options offered by us.

To whom the bagel is suitable on the head

Did you decide to make a bundle with a bagel? Do not hurry, we advise you initially find your own hairstyle. If you make your choice correctly, you can fully complete your image. Therefore, we will tell you about the moments that need to be considered by creating a beam with a bagel.

  • Girls with the right features of the face and the long neck will fit the high bundle. He will emphasize femininity and will attract attention to the beautiful shape of the shoulders.
  • You do not need to attract attention to the neck if you are not very long, in this case, the beam to choose the low beam location.
  • High growth girls do not fit the beams located on the top of the Makushka. Not only will you seem even higher, but also the view you will be ridiculous. This location can afford only girls of low growth.
  • Slender miniature beauties are better to abandon the volumetric beam. He will waste the upper part of your body, making the whole image rough. Prefer tight and neat options.
  • Girls with sharp features of the face and wide cheers need to make bundles below the top and not higher than this area. For the framing, we advise you to leave a few strands.
  • When creating a beam, you need to consider your outfit. If you go to a party in a beautiful dress, make a neat beam. For youth style, a negligent version with knocking hair is well suited.

How to make a bagel on your head - useful tips

If you can't make a bundle or you are doing it for the first time, then a couple of tips from us will help create a neat and original hairstyle on your head.

  • Bagel is better to do on clean hair. But this does not mean that only drying the head you need to twist your hair. The optimal option, if after washing one day, so strands of the hair will not be knocked out and decay, or have a fat shine.
  • If you want your bundle to hold firmly for a long time, then it is better to use fixing agents. It is undesirable to resort to gels and moussam, because we have already said that such a hairstyle is desirable to do on dry hair, so it's better to make fixation at the end - to apply hair polish on the whole head.
  • In working with naughty hair, the girls spray them with water. You do not need to do this, so you make it even more difficult for the situation, just that the hair will begin to adhere to the hands, so they are still not evenly lying.
  • Do not be discouraged if you didn't get this, at first glance, a light hairstyle. In the absence of experience and skills, it turns out of all from the first time. Do not fall into your hysterics, take a couple of times and you will definitely work out.
  • No need to learn to make a bagel with a bad mood, so you will not succeed exactly. Calm down, release all negative emotions and proceed. How to make a bagel on your head, we will tell on.

What you need to get a beautiful bagel on the head

For this hairstyle you will need some time and minimum tools. As you can see, the bagel is ideal not only for parties, but also fast fees to work.


  • Favorite comb.
  • Two thin elastic rubber bands.
  • Invisible.
  • To choose from - twist, bagel, haugami or ordinary sock.
  • Studs.
  • Middle fixation varnish.
  • Beer, bows, ribbons, pigtails and other decor at your discretion. But it is not necessary, the beam looks good and without decorations.

Bunch on the head with a bagel

This option is a hairstyle for several seasons is undoubted hit. So you definitely need to learn how to do it. Get started.

  • Make a tail at what level - to solve you already. Locks tighten the curls.
  • Take the ends of the tail and through it to the crawl bagel.
  • Through a bagel alternately, carefully sell strands. Each tighten up to the stop, hide under the bubble. Under the gum fill the hair tips.
  • Bagel from hair is ready, it remains only to decorate it and straighten.

How to make a bagel on my head without a bagel

If you do not have a special bagel, which is used for beams, you should not be upset. You still get to make a hairstyle and run to the store is not necessary. We hope to wear your home completely fell right, here you can use it instead of a bubble. The sock fell quietly to replace the bagel, so you also save.

  • At the level of the heel, cut the sock.
  • The product turn inside out.
  • Roll it into a dense tight roller.
  • Drop your hair, collect in the tail.
  • On top of the rubber band based on the tail. Place a bagel.
  • Around the sock distribute hair, smoothing from all sides.
  • Top put on the rubber band.
  • The remaining strands are divided into two parts.
  • One of them will turn into a pigtail, wrap around the beam and secure invisible.
  • From the second part, make a bow, invisible secure in the middle and straighten.
  • Slit a hairstyle, you can do without decorating, this bundle looks great.

It is worth noting the fact that the advantage of the hairstyle is an unlimited place to fly your fantasies. Attach a little effort and can make a stylish unique hairstyle.

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