How to stick nicely cheek

How to stick nicely cheek

Each woman wants to be different. Today is blonde, tomorrow brunette or red, with straight hair or curls, with bangs or without. But if you can cope with the color of the hair, twig and straighten the hair, then problems often arise with bangs. How to remove the bangs beautifully if she is tired of you, and you decided to grow it, or just want to try a new image?

How to stick a nice cheek with a rim or handker

You do not focus on bangs, just remove it under the bezel, so as not to interfere. Or you need to slide the accessory to the base of the forehead to create a small volume. To date, use a beautiful rim, such as a flower or rhinestone. He must harmonize with your clothes or create contrast.

The same applies to the headscarves, you can simply twist the scarf harness and wear as a rim or create a retro image.

How to stick a nice cheek with a hairpin, invisible, grinding

With the help of an ordinary hairpin, you can create a strict image, and using a bright, beautiful hairpin is an evening image.

  • Apply to the hair the means for laying.
  • Stash bang up and back.
  • Secure invisible.
  • Fix with varnish so that the bangs do not crumble.)

How to stab beautifully cheeky

The probor helps you create a business image.

  • Apply mousse or hair gel on your hair.
  • Distribute bangs on a straight sample.
  • Secure invisible on both sides.
  • Hide the ends of the bangs under the hair.

You can make a side sample, then you need to comb your hair to the side and fix one barn. Use the decorative hairpin to give the image of romanticity.

How to stick a beautiful cheeky - braid

Weaving bangs will make your image very gentle and feminine.

French braid

  • Make a side sample.
  • Grab a small strand of hair with bangs, divide it into three parts.
  • Make a braid, gradually adding strands to the right and left.
  • Secure the invisible elastic.

You can use different versions of weaving: you can leave the braid tight or slightly pull the strands of the braid, giving it volume. Try to make a low braid, covering the forehead or several thin braids.


  • Divide the bangs on a few pieces, and each strand twist in the flagellum.
  • Secure them with crab or pins, you get playful way.


  • Comb your hair parted on the side.
  • The upper strand of hair with bangs, twist in bulk tourniquet.
  • Fix invisible.
  • The resulting twist itself will decorate hairstyles.

How stab beautiful bangs - laying using fleece

Bouffant - one of the most modern methods of laying bangs.

  • Separate the upper strand with a bang, nacheshite its starting from the top of his forehead.
  • Place a bang-up, fix invisible. You can stab its decorative barrette or crabs.
  • Fix hairspray.

To get the bouffant, comb should have small teeth. You can make a fleece side. To do this, gently nacheshite bangs, giving it volume and secure it invisible not from above but from the side. For this option, do not too bouffant lush.

How stab beautiful bangs - frizz

Bangs can be curled into small or large curlers.
Small waves will go to owners of curly hair.

  • Apply mousse or hair gel.
  • Screw all the hair into small curlers.
  • Keep at least three hours, you can leave at night.
  • Remove the curlers and a little trollop hair.
  • Fix hairspray.

Perm bangs big curls go girls haircut cascade. In this case, fringe lies well together with the principal hairstyle. Screw all the hair, including bangs, on large curlers or by using curling irons. Fix hairspray.

Using these methods of laying bangs, you can always change your image, depending on the mood and situation, as well as to surprise her man.

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