Fashion Hair Sliding 2017

Fashion Hair Sliding 2017

All girls are confident that not only shopping will help to change the change of change, but also a new trendy haircut. Therefore, vigilant fashionista is closely monitored for seasonal new products, because the trends in the country of hairstyles are changing, like a wind whiff. World designers all the time put forward new ideas. In one season, the girls go crazy from lush curls, ethnic weaving and extreme styling, and in the other - feminine images with playful curls, delicate lines and "random" negligence are treated at the peak of popularity.

What haircuts will be trendy 2017

In 2017, designers decided to shock the variety of options. At the top of popularity there will be cascading haircuts with casually deciding, naughty curls, air and textured strands of elongated square, and causing "pixie" with a banging subtext. About the fans of bright makeup and long flowing hair, also not forgotten - oblique bangs, romantic French bundles and childish tiles on the back of the back will continue in the trend.

What will leave behind 2017? The effect of "wet" curls, ombre, smooth styling and high bundles with business, strict laying are departed into the past.

Fashionable haircuts for short hair 2017

The avant-garde direction of new trends will untie the hands and fantasy of the most creative and decisive masters. Short "Pixie" with a carefully worked texture will be selected No. 1 for fans of sports chic, brightness and confidence.

In the mod volumetric, creative haircuts with triangular layers and oblique bangs, asymmetric short square, as well as round graduated and layered haircuts.

Stop! What about the classic? Without it, a shortened bob with ripped cuts, and a carelessly laid round bang remain.

Fashionable haircuts 2017 for hair medium length

With the onset of 2017, haircuts will acquire determination and versatility. The fashion will lead the light elongated kara in French motifs with the effect of a slightly burnt hair. Preference is given to oblique samples with long bangs or without it. The main accents in the haircuts are the multi-layeredness and dynamics of graduation, the asymmetry of the length of the curls, unusual laying in the style of Boho-Chik.

For a romantic image, a kare with elongated strands in front, and shortened - from behind, with a grotesque-made styling style.

Fashionable haircuts for long hair 2017

The main role in the expected season is reserved with a cascade haircut on long hair with hooligan, playful and dynamic curls. Highlights of the trend haircut - slightly shaved or marked whiskey, disheveled strands, laid on one side and the effect of careless hairstyles after sleep. At the same time, artistic disorder is possible with a diffuser or slightly elongated styling with a brush.

The owner of thin hair will be able to transform with the help of classical "Italian" with many deep steps. If without bangs in any way - stop your choice on a long bang to the line of cheese, combed side.

New season will provide several tabs - no short bangs, smooth cuts and united stacks.

If you decide to start a new life and leave the classic image behind, a sharp contrast in the length of the hair will give the bold "sharpness". But extreme haircuts are also feminine. They share the overall style. Long bangs can be careless to squeeze on one side, and you can put a smooth wave up. Properly selected haircut will not only create sophisticated and glamorous notes to your image, but also profitably emphasize your strengths.

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