How to trim yourself

How to trim yourself

Arrange an interesting experiment and cut your hair yourself! Having mastered the initial knowledge of the hairdresser's art, you can create real masterpieces on your head not only yourself, but also to children, friends and relatives!

How to trim yourself

Coupling bangs, make the seeds of the ends and cut off the excessive length, you can easily, even in the absence of skills and professional experience. Consider unusual techniques and tricks of home hairdressers, understandable, even the younger lady. In order not to miss extra strands or vice versa, do not compress unnecessary, you need to follow several important rules:

  • Before starting hair, hair should be moistened.
  • If you are a happy winner of curly or wavy curls, they must be straightened with an iron.
  • The haircut is carried out in stages, pre-distributing curls into several zones - dark, temporal and occipital.
  • Creation is hairstyle complete with neat edging and milling.
  • Wash tools in front of a haircut to any detergent.
  • The room for work should be well lit.

How to cut the most - tools

The final result depends directly from correctly selected scissors. The main tool should be made of steel, convenient to use and well sharpened. In addition to them, we will need:

  • Two medium-sized mirrors.
  • 3-4 clamp, but if there are no, it is quite suitable for conventional hair gums.
  • Combs with frequent and rare teeth.
  • Spray.
  • It is advisable to stock up with scissors for branch, then you will have the opportunity to remove the extra volume and add strands accuracy and naturalness.

How to trim and end the tips

After the salon haircut, in a month or two, the tips begin to decide, and the haircut looks not so impressive as I wanted. It is easy to correct the situation, for this, it is enough to compact 1-2 cm hair tips, spoiling a presentable look. So, proceed to fulfillment:

  • Spray hair from the pulverizer.
  • Straight thoroughly, using alternately two combs. Do not forget about the hair behind the ears.
  • Locons extend the zones and secure clips or rubber bands.
  • Choose a strand, tension tight and fix between 2 fingers.
  • One movement of scissors Exactly compatient tips.
  • Alternately cut all curls selected length.
  • Drop your hair and remove sticking hairs.

How to cut the bangs

Why spend your time and money on a hike in the salon? You will be able to make an intended self! Just adhere to our instruction! Start:

  • Separate the bang from the bulk of the hair, the side curls will fasten the clamps to the occipital part.
  • Bang spray from the sprayer, we comb well.
  • Removing extra lengths starting from the edge - we take strand, stretch and cutting.
  • Insert the next curl in the same hand, together with the previous one, and align.
  • Take to the end all the bangs.
  • Thin comb cutting hair if long hairs remained - overseas.
  • Profile by the resulting bang and laid.

How to trim as a cascade

Cascade's haircut has won a great popularity with its unusual and very beautiful views. There are several variations of European haircuts, we will look at - a smooth cascade, with a uniform length of the tips. Begin:

  • Having thoroughly thoroughly and collect them in a horse tight tail at the forehead line.
  • Decide on the desired length.
  • Left hand tightly clamp the tail, and cut hair with one slice.
  • Remove sticking hairs.
  • So that the hairstyle looked naturally, profile hair along the entire length.
  • Disable hair. As a result, they got a spectacular fashion haircut!

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