How to choose corrective underwear

How to choose corrective underwear

Corrective underwear is the fastest way to become slimmer for several centimeters, smooth the figures lines and feel more attractive and more confident. But in the choice of corrective linen there are many submarine stones that can lead to completely opposite results.

Decide which zones you would like to adjust. By the way, thin girls can also wear corrective underwear - for example, the Push-AP bra. For the chest zone it is him. If you need to emphasize the thin waist - it will help the corset. If smoothed the hips line - shorts or even pantaloids. Corrective or pulling tights will help make legs. Remember that there are three types of correction: weak, medium and strong - on special cases.

Corrective linen

Choose the underwear always its size. Otherwise, dense gums will die to your feet or waist, only more emphasizing overweight and problem areas and all the work will disappear in vain. In addition, it will affect your health - bones of the corset will put pressure, rubber bands - pull, tight underwear will prevent deeply breathing. As a result, you will look no better, but worse. Yes, and any fabric has a margin of strength, strongly stretching every time, the underwear will last less.

Correction zones

Do not wear underwear on the whole day, start with a couple of hours - at least at home. You need to get used to sensations, and even if the linen is size and seems comfortable to you when you just put it on, for the whole day the body can be tired. Lingerie pick up under clothes - black under dark and bodily under color and white. The erroneous opinion is that white underwear is worn under white clothes - in fact, it can be seen, and the body is almost imperceptibly on the body.

Linen - types

Now that you have decided on how the underwear you need, remove the measure - the circle of the chest, the waist, hips or legs as needed. Go to the store with these standards, even if the consultant for some reason can not help you, having measurements and correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe adjusting underwear, you can choose it yourself. With the fitting, pay attention to the silhouette line. If you are all done correctly, the lines will be smoothed and smooth, no deep folds should be visible under the clothes.

In the adjusting underwear you can feel like a real queen of the podium. By the way, the Hollywood stars on the carpet tracks either do not neglect by pulling linen.

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