How to determine your color

How to determine your color

Surely at least once in my life you heard about such a thing as the "color". Know your color appearance is very important. First, it is important because it is definitely knowing your color, you can correctly pick up the basic colors of your wardrobe. He will also help to understand what tones in makeup are suitable for you.

How to determine your colorboard - which colorworks exist

  • Spring.
  • Summer.
  • Autumn.
  • Winter.

Let's figure out how to determine what color you feel your appearance.


If you have bright leather, which prevails warm pink and peach shades, blonde, blue, green or light-brown eyes, your lips warm apricot, coral shade - your spring "Spring". When selecting clothes and makeup, you should stick to warm, fresh tones, for example, peach, heat-pink, apricot, golden, cream. Do not choose white and black colors, also avoid any saturated shades.


Summer colorage people have light pink / gray, grayish-beige leather, rusia and light ash hair, gray, light brown and gray-green eyes, and lips of a pale pink shade. Such people are suitable any calm, soft shades. Summer people, like spring, need to abandon black and saturated shades.


Autumn color bottle features people with yellowish beige leather, sometimes covered with freckles. Such people have red-colored hair, including all its tones. They are suitable any autumn shades. But cold purple, green, blue and white shades should be avoided.


Winter type in color skin is divided into "non-contrast" and "contrast".

People with white skin belong to a contrasting type, and people with dark skin - to unconstant. Winter types of appearance are distinguished by dark brown / blue / green eyes, black or dark hair, lips of a light pink or coral shade. Winter type of appearance is suitable cold, warm-pink shades, the color of the fuchsia. Saturated green and yellow tones are not suitable for such people, brown shades.

Do not forget that before identifying your color, you need to completely wash out makeup.

It may be that you have a mixed color bottle - signs of your appearance are suitable immediately to several color views. This is due to bleeding, nationalities, etc. mixing. In this case, you need to determine which color is prevails in your appearance, and try to stick to those shades that correspond to it.

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