How to paint the eyebrows with a pencil

How to paint the eyebrows with a pencil

Even by making a fashionable hairstyle and stunning makeup, but forgetting about the eyebrows, you can spoil all the impression of your image. Paint eyebrows best with a pencil, because The eyeliner, in contrast, creates one solid line, which is not entirely natural. Therefore, every woman should be able to correctly pick up a pencil and skillfully use it.

Choose a pencil correct

The color of the eyebrow, harmonizing with the appearance color, is surprisingly transforming the face - it becomes expressive, younger. On the issue of choosing a pencil, you can give the following recommendations:

  1. Choose the tone a little lighter color of your eyelashes, but darker than hair.
  2. Buy a black pencil only if your hair is black, like a loronier wing.
  3. Under the hair, red, chestnut, the blonde is suitable for a dark brown pencil.
  4. Women with blond hair should stop their choice on a pencil beige.
  5. Pencil brown with red - exclusively for red.
  6. The shade of the pencil is selected in the color of the eyes and skin, i.e. If their tone is warm, then the pencil requires warm tones. Otherwise, you need a pencil of cold colors and shades. For light skin and pencil look light. Under this rule, only black-haired girls with a white porcelain color skin are not falling.
  7. If your hair does not know what paint is, the tone of the pencil should be selected as close as possible to natural eyebrows, because Their shade, as it is impossible to harmonize with hair.
  8. By purchasing a pencil, pay attention to its hardness and quality. A good pencil is considered sharp and solid.
  9. Remember: the best pencil is not mechanical, and the most ordinary classic.

Rate whether the pencil is chosen correctly, the daylight will help, looking at the mirror, you will immediately see.

We study the features of your face

Before taking into the hands of a pencil and start painting your eyebrows, learn your face. After all, not everyone is suitable eyebrows, the shape of which is fashionable at the moment. On alone, there are harmoniously widespread strips, on others - thin threads. The main thing is to study your features. And do it like this:

  1. We determine the point where the eyebrow begins, for which we mentally spend the line from the wing of the nose to the corner of the eye. Apply a pencil to it. The place of intersection of eyebrows and pencil is the beginning.
  2. We pave a pencil from the wing of the nose through the pupil to the eyebrow. At a point in which the pencil crossed the eyebrow will be bend.
  3. It remains to determine the end of the eyebrows. It will indicate the point formed as a result of the intersection of the pencil, laid from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eye.

Prayer eyebrows

It is important that the strokes are uniformly. Therefore, we take the following steps:

  1. Sit down in front of the mirror, comb your eyebrows.
  2. We make tags.
  3. We apply strokes, given the direction of the growth of hairs of eyebrows. To make makeup naturally, it is desirable to have 2 pencils. From the beginning to the middle of the eyebrows, we draw a dark pencil, and the continuation of the color is lighter. This reception will look expressive.

Eyebrows and face type

The eyebrow of the perfect form in the center is wide, and by the end smoothly narrows. In order for the eyebrows on the face did not look like anything foreign, listen to the following advice:

  1. If you have a round face, then make an emphasis on bending eyebrows.
  2. The eye in the form of oval, eyebrows are suitable almost straight.
  3. It looks good not very long and slightly raised eyebrows on a triangular face.
  4. With a face, shape resembling a square, harmonize long, smooth with a slightly rounded eyebrow tips.
  5. A silly view has a face with highly planted eyebrows.
  6. Optimally, when points of the beginning and end of eyebrows are either on one horizontal line, or the end is slightly lifted. If you omit it, then the look will seem very unbearable.

Experimenting with the form and eyebrow width, you will see how your face changes. Large eyes become visually smaller in combination with thin eyebrows. Small seem more due to raised eyebrows. It is not necessary to abuse it, and if you come up with the mind, many flaws will be invisible. And one more rule: first apply tonal cream, powder, and only then begin to wrap a pencil for eyebrows.

And in conclusion: so immediately you can not get out right away, but you should not retreat - do it, look at the video. And over time, you will master eyebrows care techniques with a pencil.

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