How to pinch your eyebrows

How to pinch your eyebrows

In women's appearance, a significant role, especially for the opposite sex, play eyes. Eyes always emphasize eyebrows, moreover, sometimes even adjust the features of the face and change the shape of the eyes. Even the beautiful appearance itself will be corrupted by unsembly thick eyebrows or incorrectly cleaned.

Add eyebrows to every woman with their own approach. Those who have the opportunity, you can contact a beautician who will select individually the right eyebrow shape and remove extra hairs.

Who has no opportunity to go to the salon, you can explore the rules for adjusting eyebrows.

Determine for yourself eyebrows

There is no one line of eyebrows that will suit everyone, each appearance will suit their form. It is best to listen to the opinion of the stylist or explore the question yourself.

Give the eye eyebrows

With a round face you need to choose the lines that will visually pull the oval faces. Make the breakdown of eyebrows plumb, at the end a little pulling the line. By the way, the same form is suitable and a square face. But hereby considering that breaking eyebrows should be at the level of the middle of the eye.

Give the form of an eyebrow triangular face

Such type of face is suitable eyebrows rounded. But only do not overdo it, the line still must be like a straight line.

Give the shape of an eyebrow an oval face

This type of person is considered correct, and therefore the form of eyebrows for this type the most universal - eyebrows should be slightly curved and at the end pointed.

Give the eye eyebrows an elongated face

Such a form of a person requires a visual rounding. If you make a straight eyebrow line, then you will achieve this effect.

Choose a tool for eyebrows

  • Tweepers - the main tool in the eyebrows. Now there are a wide range of pliers on store shelves. It is important to understand how to choose them correctly. The linking line of the tongs must be smooth and smooth.

Advice! Pinzets in the form of scissors, with rings - very comfortable, providing strong hairs grip. And with widespread sponges will allow sprinkle eyebrows quickly.

  • Mirror is another tool for eyebrows. Pocket mirror for extinction will not fit. It is best to carry out a procedure for a conventional mirror, which many hangs on the wall. You can also use a dressing table mirror. The large size of the mirror will allow you to see you both eyes and the whole face as a whole, for comparing eyebrows, as well as hands will be free, because you do not have to keep the mirror.
  • Lotion and cotton disks. Need to wipe the plots before plundering. So you will spend local disinfection.
  • White eye pencil. Need to draw eyebrows that you want to get. Pencil will allow to draw even over eyebrows.

How to add eyebrows painlessly

All the ladies know that eyebrows accumulating - the procedure is not only unpleasant, but also very painful. But still, minimizing the sensitivity of the areas of eyebrows is possible.

  • Prepare a hot compress and put it on the eyebrows. Thus, you expand the pores, and the hairs will be pulled out easier.
  • You can act from the opposite. Take a piece of ice and drive around the eyebrow. The cold causes an easy painting effect on the skin.
  • You can buy an anesthetic cream for local application at the pharmacy.

How to pinch eyebrows

  • Pluck your eyebrows only in daylight. In this case, you will see even the brightest and unnecessary hairs.
  • Before the procedure, wash your hands, spend cleaning procedures for the face, wipe your eyebrows with lotion, wipe the tweezers with alcohol.
  • To lower the sensitivity, the eyebrows slightly stretch, at this time the other hand capture the base of the hairs and sharply pull it out.
  • You do not need to pull out several highways at the same time, it hurts, and you can make randomly flat.
  • To the eyebrows were the same, they need to be aligned. Leveling eyebrows must be slow and gently. As soon as you made a bend for one eyebrows, make it for another. After the procedure, the disinfection of the eyebrows in the same lotion as before the procedure. After that, make a tampon from rolling, wet with cold water and hold onto eyebrows. Thus, you will reduce inflammation, and red-free areas will quickly come down.

What you need to pinch

To accumulate beautiful eyebrows, you need to keep a special rule - 3 lines. This rule will make it possible to understand where the eyebrow should take its beginning where it should be bent, and where is her tail.

  • 1 line originates from the edge of the wing of the nose and up to the eyebrows, the line should pass through the corner of the eye. The place where the first line intersects with an eyebrow lettering with a white pencil. It will be the beginning of eyebrows. Those hair, which are located closer to the bridge, before the first line, you need to pull out.
  • 2 point will show the place of bending. Take a pencil, one of its edge to the wing of the nose, and the second edge through the iris eyes let the eyebrow. The end of the pencil and will bend the eyebrows, mark it.
  • 3 The line must be spent from the wing of the nose through the angle of the eye, which is located closer to the temple. This will be a tail eyebrows.

After the outlined lines, adjust the eyebrow, hopping extra hairs, you will have the right form of eyebrows.

Secrets of proper eyebrows

  • In order for the eyebrow correction, they turned out very smooth, you need to take a mirror with a great magnification.
  • To mitigate the skin should not be applied cream. You will only make worse. Volosters will become fat and slippery, and plucking more sensitive.
  • The eyebrow must always be pulled down at the bottom line.
  • It is best to pull up eyebrows at the weekend evening, when no longer needed to leave the house, to fully sleep redness and tumor.

You know now how to pinch your eyebrows, how to make it beautiful and less painful. Do not forget that the eyebrows require constant care, and as we grow unnecessary hairs, they need to be urgently deleted.

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Yana 05/11/2019 at 0:54.

Very well makes eyebrows master in the beauty salon Les Mains d'Or on Novoslobodskaya, so ideal that it is not for anything. Now every two to three weeks I go to her for beautiful eyebrows. This time I still want to still want to make eyelashes, I saw her work, too super!

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