How to determine the form of a face

How to determine the form of a face

Which of us do not dream look fashionable and attractive? We change the style of clothing, buy bright accessories, use expensive cosmetics, experiment with hairstyles. And sometimes I do not like yourself. Why? Because they forgot about the most important thing - much depends on the face form.

Know the type of your face is extremely important. After all, even a knitted hat or an extravagant hat will sit better if they choose, taking into account the oval of the face.

Briefly about face forms

Each person has its own type of person. Knowing what your face you have, you can emphasize his dignity, disguise flaws, changing your image for the better.

  • Oval. It has rounded chin, wide cheekbones. The length of the face is more width.
  • Round. The chin almost does not stand out. The distance from the forehead line to the chin is equal to the length between the cheekbones, that is, the width and length of the oval is the same.
  • Rectangular or oblong. The forehead and the lower part of the face are equal or less than the length of the face.
  • Triangular or heart-shaped. Narrow chin, high cheekbones, wide forehead.
  • Square. High forehead, equal to the length of the bottom of the person, powerful jaw.
  • Rhombid. Cheeky high, chin sharp. The cheekbones are wider than forehead and jaw together. Photo2.

How to determine the form of a face with a mirror

There are two ways to determine the type of face - visual and calculated. One light and fast, the other is more accurate. If you urgently need to clarify the type of person, choose the first method.

You will need: a large mirror to reflect it to a belt, old lipstick.

  • Stand in front of the mirror at a distance of 20 cm. Remove the hair from your face, knitting them in the tail, or pinched with studs.
  • Take lipstick, crack one eye. Not moving, circle the reflection of the face in the mirror through the hair line.
  • Remember the school lessons of mathematics and compare the resulting mirror contour with geometric shapes. What did you work out - oval, circle, square, rectangle, triangle, rhombus? Difficult to define? Then try another way.

In front of the mirror

How to determine the form of a person by photography

Take your photo portrait, lineup, pencil, sheet of paper.

  • Measure the width of the forehead - Cut A.
  • Face at the level of cheekbones - B.
  • Jaw length - C.
  • Height from hair growth line before chin - D.

Readings Do not forget to record not get confused.

  • Distance d MORE DISTANCE B is two times - oval. Good to have such a person. You can afford everything: intricate hairstyle, trendy makeup, ringing jewelry.
  • The length d and b are equal - the face shape circle. Make yourself a lush hairstyle below the chin line and short raised eyebrows. It will pull out the vertical, and the face will be thin and younger.
  • The distance B is 50% of the length D - the face is rectangular or elongated. Hairstyle will go short, like a kara, eyebrows - straight, spitter.
  • Parameters A, B, C, equal - Square face. Pull out high lifting eyebrows, haircut medium length covering ears.
  • Distance b is larger than A and C - Face type rhombus. Wear your hair and jump them into a bundle, so you will expand the forehead line. Visit the cosmetologist and ask you to adjust high eyebrows.

Photo 4.

Deciding with the form of the face, remember that any drawbacks can be hidden, but the main thing is a sense of confidence. Then even an imperfect face form will turn into dignity and give the highlight to your appearance.

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