How beautiful to make eyebrows

How beautiful to make eyebrows

The form of eyebrows is a fairly expressive feature of our face. Throughout fashion, thin strings have come out of fashion instead of eyebrows, and "Brezhnev's eyebrows" also look ridiculous. It is time for the golden middle, and it is not difficult to achieve beauty at the same time even at home.

The geometry of the eyebrows is quite simple. We define the place of three main points: the beginning, the end of the eyebrows and the bend point. To do this, take a pencil, we apply the bottom item to the wing of the nose and we guide up the inner corner of the eye. Where the pencil concerns eyebrows, there must be its beginning. The same repeat for an outer corner of the eye, we get an end of eyebrows. The bend point is the place where the hair is changing the growth direction.

With a special brush for eyebrows distributing the hairs in the direction of their growth: from the beginning of the eyebrows to the bend point combing up, the rest down.

Dark pencil draw the form that we want to give eyebrows with three points. It is important that the eyebrows are symmetrical.


Tweezers pluck the hairs growing beyond the boundaries of the drawn eyebrows. At the end of the "template" erase.

Small hairs under the eyebrow can quickly remove ordinary thread. Thread ends 60 cm with a node. Pick up this thread on the four fingers of any hand together, thumb leaving free. Twisting so that in the middle formed ten turns of the thread. We carry the thread on the index and thumbs of both hands and bring it to the eyebrows. Manipulations should be as follows: bringing the twisted section of the thread close to the eyebrows, we reduce the two fingers on one hand and weigh the two fingers on the second hand. Thus, we achieve the drawing of hairs in small intervals between the thread formed turns.

After pulling out, we apply a soothing cold compress or ice on the treated area.

Combing eyebrows and, if necessary, cut the hair with eyebrows or manicure scissors, lining the edges of the eyebrows.

With the help of shadows or powder for eyebrows on the tone, the bright natural color is attaching expressive form. For this, light strokes apply a means in the direction of hair growth.

At home, it is not necessary to radically change the shape of the eyebrows, it is better to entrust this business a professional, but the correction and underlining their form can be easily done by the above-described rules.

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