How to paint eyebrows with shadows

How to paint eyebrows with shadows

Neat eyebrows of the right shape give the face natural beauty. Painting eyebrows implies the use of shadows. Due to the soft structure, the hair cover is uniformly filled, the color is aligned and the contour is formed. Receivers and the technique of make-up eyebrow - the topic of our article.

Determine color

Determine the skin type, hair color and eyebrows. The collar ratio is necessary for harmony. Overly bright color can have an opposite effect - focus on problem areas of the face. As a rule, the eyebrows color should be a few tones lighter than hair. Thanks to a special tassel and shadows, you can give the brings beautiful, natural color.

Choose shadows and brush

First of all, buy a palette of matte shadows and a special brush with a beveled edge. Color choose the shadows, as close as possible to the natural hair color, and in the texture - dense and not bulk. This allows them to be used as efficiently as possible, and it is possible not to be afraid that in a strong heat of eyebrows "crawl". For reliability, eyebrow makeup secure hair waxing or lacquer lacquer. If there are no such cosmetics at hand, then at the final stage, moisturize the brush with water and gently spend on the eyebrows.

Make-up technique

Establish to makeup:

  1. Start the hairs against growth. To do this, you can use a special comb or brush.
  2. Set the cut the edge of the tassel using the shadow rich on the tone.
  3. Apply on a brush or sponge pigment and point movements fill the gaps between the hairs.
  4. Soft movements distribute the shadows along the entire length of the eyebrows, as close as possible to the edge.
  5. Extract the hairs for growth.
  6. In the mowed part of the brush, dial the shadows and evenly distribute the eyebrow in the eyebrow.
  7. The inner side of the eyebrows is carefully growing.
  8. Disclosure eyebrows and remove the surplus of the shadows.
  9. If you wish, fix the result with the hair styling agent.

Shadows or pencil

Using a pencil, you live the eyebrows in the literal sense. Such expressive makeup is relevant when there is no large part of the eyebrow. In the heat drawn eyebrows with a pencil easy to smear. An excellent alternative to the pencil is paint for eyebrows, but the form must ask an experienced specialist. The effect of painted eyebrows will last 1.5-2 weeks. Then some time make correction yourself, catching the matte shadows of the desired shade along the contour.

Shadows are the perfect option for wide dense eyebrows. If you are endowed with the rules of the right form, then forget about pencil or paints. Use exclusively shadows to create an accent and expressiveness. Naughty long hairs can be carefully taken under the scallop or lay gel. The procedure must be carried out by a master who will advise you and tell how to continue to care for the eyebrows.

The slim tip of the eyebrows can be tested with a pencil, and then stretch with one movement of the brushes. Take note: blondes did not stick to paint eyebrows black - it looks vulgar. Focus on natural shades, and makeup gets impeccable.

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