How bodle biting

How bodle biting

Nasty insects live not only on the street, but also in apartments. For example, homemade bedbugs. They climb into your bed and wait for the night to bite you. Blood is necessary for me for nutrition, as well as mosquitoes. Many confuse bite bits with bite of other insects, and it makes it difficult to fight homemade parasites. But if you know how bodle biting, you can recognize them and start fighting pests in a timely manner.

How bodle biting - anatomy of bite

Clapses need blood, they do not recognize other food. Activity is starting at night - usually from 3 to 7 am. Parasites have a pitch-sucking organ that resembles a trunk. Acute trull they pierce human skin. But they will not be able to pierce too dense fabric. For example, Klop will not be able to bite the dog. There are two channels in the trunk. One parasite sucks blood after a bite, and the other secretly injects a special secret and the person does not feel anything. The bite of the bite of a cloud is as follows:

  • the bug fits place on human skin suitable for puncture. Insects bite where the thinnest skin is located and capillary vessels are located close;
  • the bug pierces the skin and gets to the vessel. For one bite, he cites about 1-1.5 ml of blood, but it is not enough for this portion;
  • the bloodstream moves to another suitable place and biting again. For one cycle, the parasite sucks up to 7 ml of blood. He can bite a person to seven times.

This food bug is enough for a week. But this does not mean that you will be serene to sleep, because there may be hundreds and even thousands of pests in the apartment.

How biting bug - signs

Footprints from bite bugs to distinguish very easy:

  • pay attention to the skin after bites. Claps suck blood from several rays after puncture. Therefore, on the body you can see a kind of "track" from parasite bites. Traces are located on the same line;
  • bites always have a lot. In one night you can become a victim of many insect attacks;
  • footprints on the skin after bites appear in the morning after night sleep. Blinds are usually not active;
  • pay attention to the seats of bites. They will be located on the areas of the body with the thinnest skin - on the neck, the inner surfaces of the limbs, in the axillary depressures and even in the groin.

How biting bug - the danger of bites

Claps rarely transfer infectious diseases. By danger, their bite is no more mosquito bite. But some people may have complications after a puncture of the skin by a parasite:

  • allergic reactions. If a person is susceptible to the enzyme, which introduces an insect after puncture a trunk to the place of the wound, allergies may appear. The bite is blushing, it begins itching and burning. Anaphylactic shock is possible, but it is a big rarity;
  • the emergence of inflammatory processes. It is impossible to comb the affected places, otherwise the damaged skin will become an excellent "gate" for infections. Through damaged skin into the body can penetrate staphylococcus and other dangerous microorganisms;
  • the development of anemia. Little children suffer greatly in the apartment with a large number of bugs. The blood pressure sucks a lot of blood from the baby and he can develop anemia due to lack of iron in the body.

How bodle biting - bite processing

If the traces of the bites of anxiety do not bring - not treated. But if they felt pain and unbearable itching, use such treatment methods:

  • processing rashes on the skin of any liquid with an alcohol content. This tincture is clean, propolis and the like;
  • take antihistamines in the event of allergies. A doctor's consultation will be required, he will advise a suspestine or zoda medication;
  • use oils to remove inflammation. Apply for affected areas of tea tree, sea buckthorn or rosehip. Well suited for this purpose Balm "Asterisk" or Gel "Fenidist".

If we divorced a lot of bedbugs in the apartment - make the disinsection of the premises. Take care of the health of households, because insects bite any person, regardless of gender and age.

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