How to distinguish hors from viper

How to distinguish hors from viper

With the onset of spring of a person tired of winter cold, pulls on nature - walk through forest trails, inhale the invigorating fresh air, roasting a kebab with friends on a visiting edge of a birch grove. But whatever positive emotions overwhelm you, care - the snake can hide in the grass.

In our forests, mainly burdes and viper - the first harmless, the second - poisonous, it is better to stay away from them, so in front of the spring and summer season, to learn to distinguish these reptiles from each other.

How to distinguish the horns from violence

Walking through the forest you encountered an unknown snake? Stop and look at:

  • on an oval head, bright orange or white marks are visible, the eyes are round, the pupil is bold with a light rainbow sheath - it is;

  • the head is triangular, similar to the point of spears, at the top of which the dark abrasion arcs can be seen. Fire-red eyes with vertical pupil - in front of you.

How to distinguish the horns from the water

The color of the skin will also tell me which animal you met.

  • The poisonous snake on the body from the triangles is a zigzag pattern, which goes on the back of the strip, and skin cover - with gray, blue, brown or black tam.

  • It is covered with a longitudinal pattern with specks and specks, and the main color of the reptile is black and brown.

How to distinguish the horns from the body shaped

It happens, the snake disguised itself between the stones, and see it completely difficult, but also in some parts of the body, it can be understood as a particular sheltered nearby.

  • A long elongated body, smoothly turning into a sharp tail, says that this is.

  • Snake is small, not more than 75 cm long, the transition from the body to a stupid tail is obvious - viper.

  • Even if you have determined that I really hid, do not pull it with a branch and do not take in the hands - a snake, defending it, it may hurt or shove in you a slicer liquid, from which you have to die for a long time.

How to distinguish water horns from viper

Water horns are confused with violence due to chess pattern of the skin, similar to the triangular ornament of poisonous reptile and the absence of bright ears. But it's easy to distinguish the horny - he has a belly with yellowish rectangular stains, and on the head clearly appear marks in the form of a Latin letter V.

How to distinguish the horns from violence - Useful Tips

Gaduka does not try to attack a person, and her hiss is not a battle cry, but a warning. If the bite could not be avoided, use our recommendations for first aid:

  • lay the bruoked head below the body level to avoid disorders of the brain;
  • sash the poison from the wound (it looks like two bleeding points) for a quarter of an hour, periodically sprinkling saliva. At the end of the procedure, we rinse your mouth with water;
  • treat the patient with an antiseptic and impose a sterile bandage. Let's drink the victim of sweet tea, give a tablet from allergies and deliver to the nearest medpark for the introduction of the antidote.

Instead of afterword: during the rest in nature, be careful in order not to step or not sit on the dormant viper. If you notice a snake from afar, you should not approach her - go your dear and your health will not suffer.

Comments leave a comment
Sergei 07/27/2017 at 0:36.

A good article, just caught a snake in the courtyard, rather, my terrier drove it into the corner, it was still terribly centimeters 40-45.
Now I understand that this is)) But I will not let go, tomorrow I will take out in the forest bel.
I thought we had a snake on Yuta at all.

Maria 06/25/2018 at 13:16.

My dog \u200b\u200btoday blinked Thied Guaduka, foam out of his mouth, ... I thought bitten (((but then I looked at it. Why so many snakes, we have a lot of heroes - don't they chase?

Olga 07/15/2018 at 21:38

Thank you. Your article very calmed me. Today in the courtyard in the village I saw a snake, she crashed under the porch, was very frightened, gathered children and did not let them out into the street. Later I read the article and realized that it was. A little calmed down, but the children still took home.

Olga 07/19/2018 at 16:57

Thank you. I will distinguish with the eyes of the horns and viper.

Olga 07/15/2018 at 15:35

What is happening with nature ?? Snakes began to chat to people home .... How scary. Today, Granny frightened to half dead. Snake calmly crawled to the porch, when she sipped linen .. Now sitting at home and afraid to go out ...

Foks. 02/07/2019 at 23:25

Yesterday I went fishing to the Bratyea Park, Kleva did not go further along the embankment on the peninsula. The grass is high as thickets to me on the chest, but the path is visible, apparently the fishermen often go here. Snake, small, black sharply jumped out on the left, quickly crawled at almost my legs and disappeared on the thick grass on the right. Horror. I still do not know who it was - or violet.


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