How to distinguish a boy's parrot from a girl

How to distinguish a boy's parrot from a girl

When the first friend appears in the house or choosing a pen, the owner wants to know the boy is or a girl. This information is needed in order to choose a more active parrot, give a nickname, pick up a couple, breed chicks, etc. Each type of parrots have distinctive features for which it will not be difficult to understand where the parrot boy, and where is the girl.

How to distinguish a wavy parrot boy from a girl

When purchasing a parrot, it is necessary to determine what it is needed, namely for divorce, in order to learn to speak, etc. Align the wavy parrot boy from the girl:

  • on behavior;
  • in the wax;
  • in appearance.

According to the behavior of a healthy parrot, it can be concluded about its sexuality. Male, by nature, more active. They are tirelessly and ring sing. Love look in the mirror and playing toys. They also differ courage, rather than females. The parrot boldly stopped on his palm with delicacy. Parrots boys are better come to contact and tend to learn. They love to arrange long singing in contrast to females. The wavy parrot females are more detained. They have no goal to attract attention, like males. Girls more often equip the cage, throwing out all unnecessary. They are more aggressive than males. Protecting, can bite up blood. Training to talk more difficult to talk more, but as a result they say clearer and clearer.

The color of the wax also speaks of sexuality. With ease, you can distinguish the boy from the girl on the color of the bridges from 1.5 months. At this age there are visible differences in the color of the visits. In males, the bridges become a bluish or purple shade, and by 6 months they take blue color. In females, the weskov is a gentle pink color, and with the growing it takes a brown color. With deviations, for example, molting, stress, the color of the nose can be blue. This transformation will soon pass and the former color will resume.

To determine the floor of the parrot, take a closer look closely to appearance.

  • The first thing you need to pay attention is the color of the paws. The males legs have a bluish shade, and in females - pink.
  • The male color is brighter, elegant, they were not human in females. On the back of the boy's parrot goes a wavy pattern.
  • The shape of the head in the male differs from the female in that the macushkin has a flat shape, but in the female acute lobik.

How to distinguish parrot Corell Boy from girl

Korlel's parrots have other differences than wavy parrots. To the year to distinguish the male from the female very hard. When there were impurities in the family, the task of determining the floor becomes more difficult. Parrot sex can be distinguished:

  • on a horser;
  • in color;
  • on the structure of the body.

Corell boy is different from the girl's shape of his horse. In males, he is narrow and neat, and the females are wide since the foundation. Khachol Khachol has 2-3 long flips, which are distinguished by a green tint, all the other than the same length. The female in the Khokholka is up to 6 long feathers, the color is not different from the rest. But, in her comparison with the male feathers in Khokholka a little shorter.

Also Korörla Boy from the girl can be distinguished by their color. After molting, males becomes brighter, rich color. The plumage on their head turns into a yellow color. Korlel's males have fire-red cheeks and a clean steel color of the body. In the females, the color of the cheek has a more faded look, and their gray torso, often diluted with brown and yellow splashes. When the wing is disclosed, yellow specks may be present. It is very important to know about the origin of the Corella's color, namely, these are their natural color or the color of impurities. When crossing, unnatural colors can be obtained, for example, females are too bright cheeks, saturated color, etc.

And the korells of the boys from girls are distinguished by the structure of the body.

  • The females on the back there is a humpback, which does not have males. The males have a smooth back, sharp wings and a clear color. Their wings are gray, and the tips are white.
  • In the relaxed form of females, they have a rounded shape, and the males are slim and tightened.
  • The females on the tummy there is a vertical sample that the males have no.
  • The females are sitting on a porchochka with widespread paws, as if a lie on the pranch's tummy. And males are sitting with tightly spilled legs.
  • In males, the tail is neat, narrow and long, and the females are wide and ducky.

The main differences of the parrot of the boy from the girl are given. Remember that different types of feathered features differ.

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