How to distinguish fake mink coat

How to distinguish fake mink coat

Nork fur coat happens short and long, stream and painted, white and blue. But now speech will go not o fashionable directions, a o volume, how not get v arms fraudsters, sales fake  instead of fur coats dreams.

Fur coatit thing love many women, even  notlooking on the numerous defenders animals. If you planning buy mink, then necessary know, how distinguish Real Fur from fake. M.yagki, fluffy, warm pile  very difficult confuse, at it is he turn eVERY representative great floor v true queen.

1) How to distinguish the fake of the mink coat - in undead view

WITH first view seems, what models v fur salons all equally attractive. But distinguish mink from fake can, if trust tactile feelings, then there is touch and pave. Important stroke pile on direction against heost hairs and define degree softness. Fur ninki dense, gentle, smooth and not coles, at it is he  accept my initial form. If same fur elastic, but not pretty, then most likely total, it marmot. Hair ninki have equally length, v difference from steppe tarbagana. More not must be nic bugrov and galley, visibility « uneven haircuts», after all it maybe be consequence clarification relationship sO n. sorodii, which lived v cage. At it is from prunev cells often remain rusty spots on the fur., which impossible bring out. Important reverse attention on the uniformity coloring. Fur maybe be long-haired and short-haired v addiction from breed. Last it has greasy price  v aspect best quality.

2) How to distinguish the fake of the mink coat - inside

For togo to define quality distribution and mebra (inverse side skins ninki) famous manufacturers not laugh liningIf fur not potted color, then mezer should have light tint. At shake product not must present dry, « runday» sound. Skar should include seal, that confirms o volume, what it and there is mink, P.r. it is casks must have minimum the size 15 on the 15 cm.

If fur coat made on technologies bonding, a not stitching, then that product maybe spoil laying pair years operation. By this cause important inspect seam, which must be smooth and thin, a also practically invisible. If product sewit « v rapup», then v mestes. connections suffers will visible drawing « v christmas tree». Fragments fur cut at aid laser, a then stick. Price fur coats depends from quantity sewn kuskov: how their less, thread price above.

Also distinguish fake can on form skurok. Mink it has fragments v form elongated trapezium, beaverv form shovel, nutriasquares, muskrat –  hexagons. If pinch quality mink, then n. one hair not must be v yours fingers.

If lining laugh and to you refuse fasten her, then such product it is better not buy.

3) How to distinguish a mink fur coat fake - d orogie and cheap

Quality fur coat it has high price, on other simply not maybe be. If price small, means product sew from defective or poor fur. Often farm on dilution norque badly kordat beast or contain v unfavorable conditions. A from of this depends quality fur. V total v similar conditions impossible receive thick, silky pile.

4) How to distinguish the fake of the mink coat - in eU products

For togo  to distinguish quality mink necessary weigh shub. If weight products two hundred grammov, then it sign excessive stretched skurok  or rare  fur. By weight more can reveal fur male or females, w. latest more heavy weightW. females weight more light, a pile more soft, but he not such warm.

Development computer technology led to tom, what became very easy fake the original product. V aspect newest technology staining, epilation and haircuts appeared opportunity give out fur a rabbit per shinshilla, a thanks to stencil coloring can imitate fur original. But tactile touch puts all on own places. But despite on the it, specialists approve, what v some cases reveal « fakey» pile very hard. So for purchases fur coats it is better take man, knowing all subtlety natural fur, which the will help not please v paws unscrupulous sellers.

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