How to destroy an ospreen nest

How to destroy an ospreen nest

With the beginning of summer, an area appears on country areas. These striped predators settle in secluded corners of the attic, baths, arbors, build nests, bring offspring and annoy people with their unceremoniousness. Such a neighborhood is dangerous for a person - the bite of the wasps can cause the strongest allergies, and the fruit for the season these insects are burned by a lot. Let's figure out how efficiently and safe to remove the masculine nest.

How to destroy an Osin nest - Equipment

So, you found an aspen nest. Do not rush to immediately destroy this buzzing army, first equip. Put on a dense jacket, thick pants, rubber boots, cover your head with a scarf, on the hands - gloves, eyes - for glasses. Of course, the view will be even the one, but to win the battle and remain not bitten, it is worth it.

How to destroy an aspen nest indoor

Most often, the OS is plated the nests (paper jugs) in the available places of the house - in this case, it is easy to remove the cocoon.

Package method

Put the protective clothing, take a strong cellophane package, a sharp knife. Slowly slowly to the masking house, sketch the package and run the cocoon knife into it. Tie cellophan knot, take into the street, burn in the metal bucket. This can be applied and if the wasps of a whined hive on the balcony or in the garden in the tree.

Tip: To exterminate the hives is better at twilight or at dawn, when the wasps are in a dormant state.

Emergency measure

In this case, it will take an aerosol of type dichlorophos or a rapetor and a dense tissue. Dressed, respectively, spray the poison to the cocoon, throw a rag on it, and remove it in thirty minutes and destroy the house.

Tip: If you do not put the smell of chemicals, take advantage of the hair lacquer of strong fixation or the mounting foam from the can.

Sweet fashion

Cut the neck of the plastic bottle, turn over and insert back. Bottle fill the working compote with the addition of sugar syrup and place in the location of the OS. After six o'clock, the chubby individuals score to the container, close it and smell along with the cocoon.

How to destroy an aspen nest in the garden

If you found the nest in the garden, on the tree branch or shrub, remove it with the help of folk tips:

  • divide near the cocoon a small bonfire. Suggest in it a cheva, plastic, rubber for a day. As a rule, the wasp can not withstand the smoke attack and leave the spaced place. Then do not lose time, knock the cocoon and - destroy;

IMPORTANT: If you were bited by the OSA, disinfect the wound with apple vinegar and accept the antihistamine drug.

  • pour boiling water weak and take a cocoon if it hangs low - lift the bucket with hot water so that the nest plunges into the liquid. In five minutes it will splash, and the wasps will go to the bottom;
  • fill the fringe kerosene and take the hive. Do not forget about uniforms, as insects will be desperate to defend themselves. Usually grabs a couple of days to get rid of the OS;
  • put the tank with water under the axis housing. Take a bag on the hive and sharply tighten the exit rope. We climb the package with the contents in the water, having done in it a needle hole (to remove air).

How to destroy the Osin nest in the ground

In the garden settled the earth wasps, putting holes in the soil, what to do in this case?

  • Enter the hose in the hole, let the water. After an hour, turn off the water, and the hole (there will be a big one) flow off with sand or earth.
  • Throw a piece of carbide into the slot, pour water, close the place with a stone or brick. Need a day so the wasps died.
  • Purchase concentrated insecticide - get, spread it with water 1:10. At night, pour the solution into the mink. From above, stick a plastic bottle of neck down - and not a single piece of earthy shelter.

To withdraw OS - half the way, the main thing is to prevent their re-settling, so in the fall weigh and burn empty aspen cocoons, clean the garden from garbage, padalitsa, rotting waste, and then no osse will take your local area.

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