How to make tea mushroom

How to make tea mushroom

Tea mushroom externally resembles a brown-yellow jellyfish with a loose base and a dense upper part. From its foundation, long thin threads hang. Tea "Medusa" consists of yeast mushrooms, as well as acetic bacteria that turn ordinary tea into a carbonated sour-sweet drink, similar to kvass. The resulting drink contains organic acids, vitamins, lipids, caffeine and sugar. He improves the body and even prolongs life. In ancient China, believed that the tea mushroom produces an elixir of immortality. Today everyone can prepare this magic at home and enjoy the healing and tasty tea kvass every day.

How to cook tea mushroom - instruction

  • Prepare herbal or green tea in such proportions: on 2 teaspoons of tea need 1 liter of water and 4 tablespoons of sugar. It insists that all 15 minutes.
  • Infusion must be strain and cool to a normal room temperature.
  • Mushroom Place in a glass jar and cover gauze or bandage. Put it in a dark and warm place. If your fungus is young and weak, then add a few spoons of infusion from the bank where the mushroom insisted and insisted.
  • After 4-6 days, the drink will be ready. Mushroom needs to rinse and omit to another jar with tea.
  • To get unusual tea with gas, you need to fill the infusion into a glass bottle, close tight and keep 5 days in a cool place.

How to cook tea mushroom - content and care

  • It is necessary to contain a mushroom in suitable in size glassware, most often it is a 3-liter bank. It is not recommended to contain it in metal dishes. The fact is that the acid generated by the fungus will begin to react with the metal.
  • Keep the jar with a mushroom exclusively in a dark place. Straight solar rays and cold prevent the development of tea mushroom.
  • Tea fungus must be kept at a temperature of about 25 degrees. If the temperature drops below 17 degrees, then in the fungus there will be blue-green algae.
  • A jar with a mushroom can not be covered with a lid - a mushroom should breathe. So that insects do not get into the jar - cover her gauze.
  • Direct contact with sugar causes burns on the plant in the form of brown spots.
  • Do not make too strong tea, it will cause the growth of tea mushroom growth.
  • Do not leave in the solution of tea and leaves tea and leaves. It is harmful to tea fungus and causes wounds on his body.
  • Periodically rinse the tea mushroom in ordinary water. In winter it is necessary to do 1 time in 3 weeks, and in the summer 1 time in 2 weeks.
  • You can not put the mushroom in hot tea.
  • If you notice that the upper part of the mushroom has become a drone, then the mushroom dies. Rinse it, separate and throw away the top layer.

How to cook and grow tea mushroom from scratch

Take a large bank (3 liters) and fill it with green tea. He should not be too strong. Prepare the floor of the tea liter, no longer needed. A bottle is needed that the fungus enough space for growth in width, and once again move it, when it grows up.

Add sugar to tea with 100 grams per 1 liter. Cover the bank of gauze and put where no one will touch it. The temperature should be about 20 degrees. But do not be discouraged if it is less - the process will go slower.

Application of tea mushroom

  • Daily drink about 500 grams of liter tea. The lean drink is drunk 3 times a day, 30 minutes after each meal.
  • Drink 1,5 cup daily every morning on an empty stomach.
  • Daily 1/2 cup per hour before each meal.
  • 1 cup early in the morning on an empty stomach (a few minutes before breakfast), 20-30 minutes before dinner, and the last glass is before bedtime.

All these recommendations are an indication of action, but do not indicate a strict necessity. You can determine the quantity, taking into account the condition of the body and other individual features.

If you want some time to relax from a wonderful drink and not to use it, then you need to dry the fungus with a proper way. Put the mushroom on a large plate. Turn it every day. When "jellyfish" turn into a thin dry plate - put it in the closet. Before use, place a mushroom in tea and a week later he will live and make you a new drink.

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