How to escape from the heat

How to escape from the heat

Many are looking forward to the onset of the summer period, but summer has its disadvantages. One of the main shortcomings of summer is excessive heat. Heat is that period of the summer season, when a person has a lack of vitamins, fluids and oxygen.

Air conditioning is a faithful assistant to a person in the fight against heat, for this reason he is currently there is Almost everyone has in the house. However, not everyone is in a hurry to use it due to the large consumption of electricity and the harmful effects on the human body.

How to escape from heat at home

  • Curtains and blinds. If you curtain a window, then you can prevent sunlight entering the house, respectively, the room temperature will not be able to rise.
  • Special film. In the store you can purchase Its for the summer period at an affordable price. The reflecting film can both be glued to the window and sew on the curtains.
  • Fan. This is a suitable option for people who do not have the opportunity to purchase air conditioning. It is better to put a couple of chilled bottles of water in front of the fan, which will help you get a cooler air.
  • I ventilation. Do not open the windows in the daytime, otherwise you can run excess warm air into the house. Ventilation should be carried out in the evening, opening windows and interior doors to create a draft.
  • Light. Use lED Lamps, as a rule, they produce 2-3 times less heat.
  • Mineral water. Drink more cold non -carbonated water. Exclude sweet carbonated drinks, they cause additional thirst.
  • Shower. Take a shower regularly, better contrast. Cold water will allow the body cool, and after a warm shower, it will seem to you that in apartment Not as stuffy as it seemed to you.
  • Cool compresses. Wet a towel with cold water, wrap their heads or just attach it to your forehead.
    Exclude Cooking in hot weather, heated stoves and oven form excess hot air.
  • Drinking at night. Prepare a bottle of cool water at night. If necessary, you can satisfy your thirst at night or wipe your face with a damp cloth.

How to escape from the heat at the workplace

  • Clothing. Wear things made of natural fabrics. Clothing should also be light and free so that the body does not experience discomfort.
  • Fan and scarf. We carry a fan or scarf with you, you can moisten your face and cool with strong heat with a fan.
  • Cosmetics. In the hot summer period, exclude makeup application. Tonal agents, powder and other cosmetics will limit the flow of oxygen to the skin.
  • Spray. This tool will help you cope with the heat with periodic spraying of your face and body with cool water.
  • Plants. Put any plant with large leaves near your workplace, after watering they create moisture.
  • Food. Eat healthy and light food enriched with vitamins.

How to escape from the heat while in the car

  • Liquid. Always carry with you chilled non -carbonated water.
  • Automobile refrigerator. A successful device that will cool the water and have with you cubes Ice in order to wipe your face during long trips.
  • Sun protection. Buy a sunscreen, it will help your car not to warm up while you are in the workplace.
  • Clean car. Keep the machine clean, dirt and dust attract the rays of the sun.
  • Aromatic oil. Hang a bottle with coniferous essential oil on the rear -view mirror, since it is this product that has a refreshing aroma.

How to escape from the heat - general principles

  • If possible, go barefoot.
  • Consume as many vegetable and fruit fruits as possible, they contain water.
  • Hot days are recommended by the pool or any water bodies.
  • Exclude the use of alcohol and caffeine, also limit yourself to drink carbonated drinks, they only cause additional thirst.
  • In hot times, it is better to drink mineral water, compotes, freshly squeezed juices.
  • Go out for a walk either before lunch or after sunset.
  • To avoid overheating, use head devices In the form of hats, panamas and a pocket.
  • During the adoption, refuse to use gels for shower and soap, as they contribute to the dry skin.

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