What do insect bites look like?

What do insect bites look like?

Insects - at one pronunciation of this word, it becomes unpleasant, and goosebumps on the skin. Today we will examine in detail the topic, as insect bites look like, in order to be able to distinguish between ordinary allergies to some irritant and bite of a dangerous insect.

Insects often apply damage to human health, because their bites can cause an allergic reaction, and blood infection and even damage to the central nervous system. Few people can say that he loves insects, although many beetles and spiders are absolutely safe for humans and not under any circumstances will not bite, and they will not even climb into the body. Despite this, during the pronunciation of the word "insect" immediately appears before the eyes of a mosquito, a tick or bond, which I want to destroy.

Komara bites

The fact is that many insects leave their bites, which are similar to the allergic reaction, skin diseases, burns from nettle, etc., it is for this reason that it is very simple to confuse them.

How often do we see the comrades of the mosquito on our body, especially after sunset? Despite the frequent meetings with these insects, it is not necessary to think that you can always recognize their traces on the body, sometimes they are not very similar to typical bites, and often cause panic.

A typical mosquito bite is very similar to a manta imprint - a small piece of leather is slightly swell and skin covers around it becomes red. After that, completely suddenly begins to hide. In principle, recognize the mosquito bite is easy, but sometimes a person simply does not notice the bite, then, involuntarily combs him, and only the field of this detects in his body a huge red spot, which is no longer very similar to the primary bite of the mosquito.

In most cases, a person feels the presence of this insect on his body, and even time to destroy the villain right at the crime scene. In this case, it is not necessary to talk about a particular place of bites, because it is often possible to find a comfacing from the mosquito bite in the most unexpected place. Even protecting the body from the mosquitoes of clothes, it is not always possible to do this, here's how sharp their spouts and a great desire to taste our blood.

Blind bites

Another unpleasant type of insects, from which there is no benefit, but only one harm. These villains bite enough painfully, and not once. Typans are usually choosing a section of the skin, biting first once, then. After they scored a sufficient amount of blood, they bite the next time not far from the first bite. Thus, one part is done from three to six bites on a small section of the skin.

The blood portion required for it is about 6 μl, it is worth noting that this is more than the weight of the insect itself, and this amount of "food" is enough to digest and rest for 10 days. If there are too many bedbugs in the room, then in the morning, a person can notice a few dozen on himself, or even hundreds of bites, so this picture is far from pleasant.

Because when crossing the skin of the bugs are injected into their saliva, itching does not begin with a direct bitus, but after some time after it. That is why a person can feel uncomfortable only in the morning. But the young of these insatiable blooduisers are not yet able to inlets their saliva under the skin, so when they bite, pain and itching is felt instantly.

The appearance of bites are the following - on one skin section there are more than three small, but at the same time red bites and often it happens that bugs, for incomprehensible reasons, choose the same part of the body and are tempted to be unrecognizable.

Signs and symptoms of insect bites

Despite the fact that, sometimes, insect bites and other damage to the skin on the appearance can be confused, yet there are distinctive features, and now we will find out which:

  • The location of bites has a role. This feature can help make sure the source of irritation on the body. If, for example, burns from nettle most often can be found on hand or leg (on the neck or face it is unlikely to find such, unless you fell face in a cluster bush) then flippers, midges and mosquitoes can leave their prints anywhere, and Most often it is the neck, face, shoulders.
  • The characteristic sign of the bite of an insect is also damage to the skin with hemorrhage from the point. If you look closely, in the case of an insect bite, you can see the place of direct puncture of the skin in the center in the center and not rarely from there a drop of blood will be visible. In the case of an allergic reaction in insects, a typical puncture of koi may look like a hematoma.
  • The size and number of damaged areas also matters. Single damage is not like an allergic reaction, but numerous small red dots are already most likely, signs of allergies on the body.

It is also worth noting that there is a serious difference between imprints of the bites on the body of an adult and child, and most often not in favor of the kids - the fact that on the adult body can manifest itself as a small redness, for the child turns high temperatures and huge red spots on the body.

Os and bees bites

Notice, the wasps and bees are completely different insects, they bite the same, only here the bee leaves his sting, but there is no OSA. This means that if you have not seen who was bited by the wasp or bee, just look, is there a sting in the proceed. It is also worth noting that from the one who bit man. It will also depend on it. What to remove the inflammatory response after damage to the skin:

  • if the wasp was bited - the faithful tool, applied the rag moistened in vinegar, because there is an alkaline reaction with a vinegar
  • if the skin puncture made a bee - to remove inflammation and relieve pain will help the usual soap

On the appearance of the bite of both insects are similar, only the skin after the bite of the wasp in the place of the puncture becomes solid, and after it bits the bee - the skin sweeps and becomes, as if poured with water. It turns out that when the axle bites, the reaction spreads to the width (the area of \u200b\u200bredness spreads down the skin), but when the bee bite is so to speak, height (skin is inflated).

If there is no allergic reaction, the next day the bite signs will become less noticeable, and a trace may not stay from them every other day.

Dangerous insect bites

If the above insects are not particularly danger, then the bites of some insects can be considered very dangerous to the category. In this case, we are talking about Sherzhen. Many are confused by bumblebees and hornets, because insect names are hissing, but in the case of a bumblebee, the probability of bite is very small (they bite in the rarest cases when the danger threatens their offspring or home), but the Horshi (on appearance is very big The wasps) can cause capital damage. There are even fatal cases, so that these insects are feared first.

The prints from their bites can be on the form of different, but at the same time, in any case, it will be a huge red stain with divorces on any part of the body, if it is a face or neck, then they can increase in size, and several times.

It is also worthwhile and ticks, because these parasites not only drink blood, but can also be in the body of various kinds of infection, including encephalitis, and this threatens serious consequences. On a man, detect the bite of the tick is very simple, and most often pain symptoms are manifested at the time of punishing the skin cover, but on animals, because of the wool, it is more difficult to detect these parasites.

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Gel 01/09/2018 at 20:57

Most of all deliver the troubles of course the mosquitoes, so and this summer there were not few of them and still there are still. Therefore, I want to suggest who does not know that there is azudol agent - this is a gel after mosquito bites. He not only instantly removes itching and burning, but possesses an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. And for the prevention of infection of the Russian Academy of Sciences, there is an antiseptic in the composition. We have already tried it on yourself, so I recommend.

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