How to remove swelling from bite

How to remove swelling from bite

Holidays in nature often overshadowed by the presence of unwanted guests. Mosquitoes and midges attack people and children, leaving unpleasant itchy bites. What you need to do if there is a bite insect and how to remove swelling.

What are the bits of mosquitoes and midges?

Moshka bites even stronger than a mosquito. It would seem that the harmless, almost imperceptible insect can bite so that the consequences will have to eliminate within a few days.

After the bite of an insect (mosquito or midge), there remains a barely noticeable red mark on the spot, which can increase and get item.

Unpleasant sensations from the bite of an insect:

  • pain;
  • itching;
  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • increase pressure;
  • allergic reaction (itching, rash, suffocation).

And if after the crepe bite, you can relatively quickly get rid of swelling and itching, then the brightness of the midge can bring a person more problems, because the midge does not puncture the skin when bitten, but bite on it, leaving the poison. He causes swelling, severe redness and itching. The wounds are very slow.

How to remove swelling from bite

Never ignore insect bites, you need to help yourself quickly get rid of swelling and discomfort. If there is a swelling, then it is impossible to leave it without attention, because the edema can lead to irregular vessels.

How to get rid of edema:

  • with soda compress. To prepare a solution, you need to take a glass of water and dilute in water half a teaspoon of a large salt;
  • use of means with the addition of menthol: Suitable cream, gel and even toothpaste with menthol. This substance is well cooled by the bite, will remove pain and remove swells;
  • applying cold compress. Ideally - to apply ice, but in the hiking conditions of ice at hand it may not be, so you need to attach something cold to the place of bite, keep for 2 hours. Only so you can get rid of the edema and remove the inflammatory process.

What to do immediately after the insect bite to avoid edema

You felt that you were bitten by a mosquito or have noticed redness on the body from the bite of midges (this insect bites painlessly, because heins the anesthetizing poison in the wound). A painful bite will be a few hours later, when the poison starts to irritate soft fabrics.

What to do:

  • In order to avoid an allergic reaction, the place of bite needs to be treated with any substance with adding alcohol. It may be alcohol, iodine, green, calendula tincture and even ordinary vodka (exception - if the insect bitally bruised into the eye and mucous).
  • After processing in place of bite you need to put a cold compress. If it is ice, then it needs to be wrapped in a towel.
  • Remove swelling and itching Try ordinary vinegar (9% fortress) or soda solution (dissolve half a teaspoon of powder in a glass of water).
  • If the place has flushed very much and swelling, then the antiallergic drug should be taken. It may be "Supratin", the place of bite is treated with a special gel (for example, "phenyatil"), which reduces itching and remove the swelling.
  • If enough time passed, the measures described above were adopted, but the swelling does not pass, it is necessary to consult a doctor for qualified help.

How to remove swelling from the insect bite. Folk Methods

All methods are good, in folk medicine there are several effective ways to get rid of edema.

You need to use:

  • plantain. Pretty to stretch the fresh leaf in the hands to highlight the juice and attach the plantain to the place of bite;
  • attach sheet fresh mint or dandelion leaves;
  • make a bulk cleaner or cut the head into 2 parts and rub the bite the bite by the seeding juice;
  • make such a means: take a spoonful of vegetable oil, add lemon essential oil, literally 5-7 drops, to wipe the swelling with these butter.

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Dasha 01/09/2018 at 15:02.

when bites, the main speed, quickly anoint a proven tool. From mosquitoes I have trouble-free Azudol. Saves from itching and edema.

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