Bee poison for joints

Bee poison for joints

The treatment of bee poison is differently called apitherapy. She is gaining increasing popularity. People who tried this type of treatment have more positive feedback, dissatisfied with extremely rarely. Those who consider this treatment are dangerous, not right. The apitherapy is dangerous only when he does not know the person who is unrest. If you have any diseases of the joints, the treatment of bee poison will be irreplaceable for you, its action is many times superior to the effect of modern artificial medicines.

Why should you choose the treatment of bee poison? First, apitherapy is much more useful than, for example, hormones. Unlike the bee poison, the hormones adversely affect the bark of adrenal glands, causing it atrophy. Apitherapy, on the contrary, acts positively and even heals damaged areas of the organ. The bee poison has very little contraindications, they can be treated at any age and regardless of the duration of the disease. Very often, if no influence of corticosteroids do not have any influence on the patients, the doctor replaces them apitherapy. And although the composition of the bee poison is not fully studied, by research, scientists determined that in the bee poison contained more than 50 healing substances, including amino acids, peptides and various ethers and biogenic amines.

Contraindications are not so much, but if you have any availability, you should refrain from apitherapy and choose another method of treatment for yourself. So, if you have cancer or other types of tumor, allergic to bees and products produced by them, tuberculosis or acute chronic infections, liver and kidney diseases, constant increased pressure (arterial hypertension), diabetes, then penetration of bee poison in blood absolutely contraindicated . The consequences may be different: from simple tumors to serious health problems. Before applying the bee poison, you need to consult with your doctor to find out if you can easily do apitherapy.

Finding into the blood, the bees poison expands the vessels, and then the influx of blood to the patient will increase, which means that the healing process is accelerated. Also reinforced blood circulation removes the edema and pain in the affected place. With a course of treatment with the bee poison, the vessels are growing into a sore place, and therefore the blood circulation there is constant. The bee poison is contained at the tip of the bee. After the insect bites a person, it dies for about four hours.

It is possible to carry out apitherapy by both the injections acquired in the pharmacy and with the help of the "product nature" in the person of the real living bee. In this case, the insect will leave his sting in the patient's skin, on the tip of which there is a bag with poison. For several minutes, the bag will be reduced, and the poison from it to flow into the skin and blood. For the first time you can do 2-3 bite, every time increasing the number of bites until you reach 15-20. Consider the health of the skin. If you have a big tumor in the area of \u200b\u200bthe prisoner, then immediately discontinue treatment - your body does not tolerate the bee poison. However, the fuckers are very painful and dangerous in the sense, which can never be predicted how much poison will be in the stare at a particular bee. So use special injections will be much safer. In clinics, drugs containing bee poison can be administered under the skin by electrophoresis, and in the home conditions it will be better to use all sorts of ointments and creams. All these and other means, which include bee poison, can be easily acquired in the pharmacies of your city.

Doctors do not approve of self-medication - and not in vain, some people don't have any idea what it is, but diligently try to heal themselves from various ailments. Do not forget that it is necessary to have a very careful and cautious approach. Good luck!

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